You two get into a fight (He hits you)

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Thomas: "You slinthead! You could of been hurt!" He yells at you. You were running the maze and a griever came out, you killed it while Thomas told you to run. "I wasn't though" "You're stupid you know that right!!" "Thomas calm down!" You yell back but the sweet caring boyfriend you knew was gone. He raises his hand in the air and with a deafening crack it hits your cheek. You stumble back and a bit of humanity enters his eyes. "Oh my god Y/N I'm sorry" "So am I, for thinking you were the one" I run off and I hear him calling my name but I was in no place to talk to him. I made it to the forest and I climb a tree. Nobody could come after me because I was the only one who was decent at climbing them. I let the tears escape and the wind cools the stinging on my cheek. "I hate you Thomas" I whisper but at the same time I didn't, love is weird.

Newt: "There is no way I'm letting you become a runner!" He yells, catching the attention of everyone who was close to you. "Why not? I would be a good one! I have to help some how!" I yell back and step towards him. "Become a builder or something!" He screams. "No I'm becoming a runner and that is that!" You were known by all the gladers for your stubbornness. He runs his fingers through his hair and before you knew what happened Newt punched you in the jaw. You fall to the ground in shock and everyone around you crowds. You stand up and see Newt's eyes were black in fury. You run off until you find your brother Thomas. He is talking to Minho but then he sees your tear streaked face as you sprint  to him. He opens his arms wide and you fling yourself in them. "Y/N what's wrong?" "Newt, He is the shuckiest shuckface shank there ever was!" You yell quoting Minho. "What did he do? Did he hurt you?" He examined your face until his eyes found the bruise on your cheek. "He did this?!?!" He asks in anger. You nod and he holds you tighter. "I'm going to have a word to him and you owe him a punch" He says before hugging you tight again.

Gally: "Why were you talking to Newt!!?!?!" "Because he is my friend" "So he can call you love and darling then?!?!" "Gally we are only friends, friends!!" I yell back and his chest is heaving. He punches me suddenly and I punch him back. He raises his fist and I flinch away from him. His eyes widen in horror and I look back at him. I turn and run away from him to my best friend, Newt. I reach him and he envelops me in his arms as soon as I'm close enough. "What happened?" "Gally! He punched me, I punched him back and he is angry you call me love and darling even though I told him we are just friends!" I cry into his shoulder and he wraps his arms around me. ''He is a slinthead, you know that?" "I know Y/N, are you going to forgive him when he calms down?" "I don't know Newt, I think I love him but he goes and punches me!!" "Ok Y/N, He must be very sorry" "What makes you say that?" "Because he is right behind you"

Minho: I start to walk away from him but he grabs my arm and pulls me back. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" Minho yells and his palm connects with my cheek. My head snaps back and Minho releases my arm. "We are through!!!!!! You shuckface!!" I yell and I spit, right in his eye. I run away from him and too the only person I can think of at the moment, my brother Gally. He was building something but as soon as he heard my pounding feet he turned and faced me. I ran into his arms and cried until my eyes ran dry. "What is it?" He asks,wiping away the tears. "Minho, he slapped me!" "You want me to talk to him?" "No I told him we are through, and then I spat in his eye" "Good that" I smile and Gally looks at my cheek again. "It's going red, we could tell Alby" "No, I don't want Minho banished, I want him to stop being a slintead!" I say and Gally laughs. "Are you going to try and talk to him?" Gally asks. "I don't know, he wouldn't just get angry for no reason, I might talk to him" "Good,you won't mind if I punch him?" "Why?" "Because he hurt you sis, I hate seeing you like this"


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