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It was normally time for you and Sharena to hang out. What happened to Tea Party Tuesdays? Even Elise was too busy to come and visit you. That left you and Tiki to sit alone at the table, clinking your glasses together. You had two stuffed animals replace Elise and Sharena at your special tea party. Tiki was glad to have the special time with you and have some company. You've yet to pull a Marth, shockingly. You did have Groom!Marth... but he married Bride!Caeda. Tiki needs her own Marth. That means more red summons. 

 "Clink! Cheers!"

Tiki happily giggled out, toasting the two tea cups and taking big sips of the tea you made yourself. You smiled at her childlike behavior, feeling some sort of paternal love for the smol dragon child, as you looked up. Spring!Chrom and Bride!Cordelia we're talking a walk together, Martha!Lucina watching them carefully. In her universe, Chrom married Maribelle. It's a cuter couple than you'd think. Love and family is everywhere in your order. Some take more time to build than others.

"Woah cool! A tea party! I've never been to one of these before! I want in. Nya ha~!"

You jump a little bit when suddenly Henry had taken the place of Rey Filipé, King of the teddy bears, and had been cradling the stuffed animal in his arms. He seemed happy to be here. Tiki cheered, ecstatic for the company. She reached out and Henry handed her the bear, making her smile. Awww, that's so freaking adorable! You feel your heart warm up just like your cheekbones.  

"Welcome to the party, Henry. Tiki and I did wish we had some more company. Right Tiki?"


She nodded cheerfully, taking one of the little treats you baked with Veronica earlier because she had gotten curious to what you were doing and wanted to steal a few. Henry noticed they were there and took one himself, eating the entire thing in one bite. You didn't mind. It was kind of funny. Based off their wide smiles and happy expressions, you must have did a good job. However, all good eating must come to an end. After all, what good is a tea party without discussions? Tiki was actually the first one to start it.

"Hey, (name)? Do you have anyone you love?"

All the blood rushed up to your face in that moment as you caught a side glance to Henry. He didn't seem to notice it so we all were good. How should you answer this? You don't even know yourself. With a clumsy smile and a disregard to the entire question, it's time to sound smart by using big words and philosophical topics. 

"Other than my family and all of my friends, no. Well, at least not yet. I'm sure someone is out there for me. Maybe even closer than I'd know."

Tiki and Henry both let out a synchronized "woah" at how smart you sounded just now. It's easy to sound smart, but it isn't easy to be smart. Fake it until you make it, right? Lol. Tiki then turned right to Henry, on a roll with all the interrogating romance. She must have her mind on her MarMar again, huh? She always was smitten for the original bluenette lord. You ship it. 10/10. You ship everything, such is the life of a fangirl tactician.

"What about you, Henry? Do you have anyone you love?"

You watch Henry pause for a second, directing his face downwards to indicate that's where he was looking. With a deep inhale and exhale, he waited a little while longer. Ooh, the suspense i building isn't it? You were deeply invested to find out who it was. No matter who, you'd summon them just for him. But deep down you really wanted him to say your name. Wait, what are you talking about?! How long have you two been interacting?! Who even knows it's fanfiction! Welcome to instalove and x readers, Honey. This happens a lot.

"I wouldn't say love. More like a like. Maybe even like like. What about you Tiki? Do you have somebody you love?"

Uh oh. Here we go. 

"He's the smartest, bravest, cutest boy in the entire world! He saved me and made sure I never felt lonely when I was with him. When I slept at night, not my sleep that's kinda like forever sleep, he'd make sure he was with me. He never let me be alone and he made me feel so special! He was a king and he even sent me off to bed when it was time for me to sleep my forever sleep. He taught me how to make flower crowns too! He's the bestest ever!"

Now wasn't that the most precious thing? Awwwww! Now you really need so summon a Marth ASAP. It doesn't matter what Marth, Tiki just needs her MarMar. Henry looked at her, happy for her. He reached over and ruffled her hair like she was a little sibling or even a child, causing her to whine. Henry laughed.

"You're cute, Tiki. He sounds wonderful. Nya ha! Oh, can I get a refill?"

Henry held out his tea cup towards you. You were thrown back to reality and not your fluffy fanfiction you were writing in your head about Tiki and Marth.  You lift the tea pitcher and pour him some more. Huh. How did you run out of Tea so soon? Much to your dismay, Tea Psrty Tuesday might have to be cut short. That's really sad. You used whatever was left to pour into your glass, taking a sip. This was really nice... you were almost about to zone out again thinking about a family dynamic of the heroes you have when someone snapped you out of it again.

"Awww, (name) is in their own little world! How adorable~ Nya ha! Isn't (name) adorable, Tiki?"

"Uh-huh! Super adorable!"

Your face flushed red as both heroes laughed at you. Being called adorable just made you turn into a blushy bean, and now Tiki was joining in on it. You look away, trying to hide your face with the hood of your white cloak. Well, there's a bright side. Henry has a friend now, doesn't he? That's the important thing. Even if you are super embarrassed by their little antic. Suddenly your hood was pulled down, causing you to let out a yelp.

"Nya ha! You're so Red (name)! Hey, Tiki, what does this mean? Does this mean they like being called adorable or no?"

"Oh they definitely like it! A red face means they're embarrassed for it! Teehee! Super adorable!"

Those two are evil. You pull your hood back over your head and reach for your tea cup. Maybe a sip of tea would bring the rosiness down from your cheeks. As you're drinking, you glanced upwards and watch the two heroes give eachother a high five. You looked down again at your cup of tea. This was actually really fun. You liked this, even though your heart is racing a million miles a minute.

Adorable, huh? You don't see it. They're the adorable ones.

1183 Words

Twisted Ties that Bind [Henry x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now