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"Henry, I want you to tell me about your timeline."

You've had enough. After how weird Henry had started acting as though he had some sort of Post-Traumatic Stress, it's time to have him vent out pent up emotions and get him back to normal like he was when you first summoned him. Hopefully talking about it would relieve some pain and help him overcome whatever conflicts he is having internally. Henry looked up at you, confused. He was just leaving a conversation with Winter!Eirika so to him this must have seemed out of nowhere.

"What? Now? Nya ha! I don't think that's a good idea!"

Henry saw the look on your face, which was quite serious. Henry's smile twisted into something of fear and reluctance, but also one of disgust. It was a heard emotion to read. You sat down on the ground, not caring where you were, and motioned for Henry to sit down too. After some consideration, he obliged and crossed his legs. He opened his eyes and let out a deep sigh, looking directly into your own gaze.

"So... what didja wanna know? About my off-colored eyes? My outfit? My tome and skills? Or did something else concern you?"

His voice was very flat, deep, and monotone unlike usual. You noticed that when he gets emotional or having some sort of flashback action his voice raises an octave and is very sharp. Now his voice is flat like he's dead inside. All those things he mentioned weren't things you were too concerned with, but you had a feeling that they were easier to explain. But you needed to help him. You wanted to help him. You will help him through conversation. Therapy is now in session.

"I want to know everything."

Henry didn't want to say it out loud, that was for certain. Henry noticed the notebook you had to take notes. He nonverbally asked for the journal. You handed the journal and pencil over to him. Henry began writing. He was writing for a long time and he had this look of anguish painted over his face. After a while of painful silence, he handed the journal over to him. Henry had written over several pages, handwriting much neater than you'd think. Well, at least in the beginning.

In my timeline, Grima had taken over. Robin had used Tharja and Me as pawns for her plan. She thought that since we were Plegian, we'd follow her all the way. At first I did, but then everything started getting horrible. Robin, well, Grima had taken Tharja as her wife and slave. She had revived Gangrel and used him, Aversa, Validar, and I as the four Leaders of the Chaos World. Valm, Yilsse, Plegia, And Regina Ferox were used as sperate kingdoms and Grima was the dictator over them all.

It was fun being the King of Regina Ferox for a while. Most of my subjects were Risen and I could have the, fight in the arena just for giggles. The actual people who lived there always were in fear of me for a while. But then I noticed their suffering and decided to try and help them. There were only a few dozen actual humans. I made the excuse that humans are better servants than Risen and protected them all in my castle. It didn't work. Grima found out my ruse and she killed them all, replacing everyone with Risen.

There were no living things left in Regina Ferox. Everyone was a Risen except me. I was going insane. Grima had been checking up on me more frequently. And Tharja would just about near kill me every time because I have been "disobeying her Master". I'd have to use fell magic just to throw her off. But the fell magic started to corrupt me, just as it would the Robin in a regular timeline. I began to grow sentient, and even more insane. My eyes went blood red and my existence became pure pain.

Right before I was summoned, I was about to be executed for treason. I was chained up to some sort of guillotine torture chamber. The other rulers of the Chaos world all were grinning at me. My limbs were being torn out of my body, everything out of its socket. I'd always wanted a bloody, painless death. This was the exact opposite and my fear. I was writhing in pain and there was no blood. The dragon form of Grima hovered over me, about to release hell onto my body. They waited. I just sat there in agony. They wanted me to suffer. I was craving death, but I think never came.

Then... relief. I was relieved from that hell as a white light opened up in front of me and pulled me through the chains. I could hear screaming of everyone and I heard several curses. Not the magical kind but the swear word kind, thrown my way. I was met with pretty colors and a pretty face. You were smiling. I couldn't help but smile. I was out of the chaos world. So you saved me from my own personal Hell. 

Oh, and this is only a summary. The memories still haunt me. Sometimes I get flashbacks and I feel like I'm back there in Regina Ferox. I sometimes remember the faces of those kind people I tried to protect. Julia looks a lot like a pregnant woman who lost her husband and eldest son to Grima, so being around her is really sentimental to me. Before Grima's takeover, I had ,ads friends with a few people. Lissa would always hold my hand whenever I was insecure. Maribelle would always tell me there was no need to worry. Panne and Nowi gave me an endless supply of hugs. I never felt alone with them. So losing them... I still see their deaths. It hurts. It hurts so much. But I can see them here now, and they don't remember me. I'm too scared to talk to them.

So for now, can I just be with you? I need someone to hold my hand and hug me and tell me everything is going to be okay. And I know you'd do that for me because I know you care for me. You're the only one I actually can know for certain that cares about me now. And I want to cry, but I won't. Because big boys don't cry.

You set down the book, looking over at Henry. He is hugging his knees and shutting his eyes tight, biting back his tears. You wrapped your arms around him, bringing him in for a hug. He needs this. He needs to be told that he is okay. He needs love and affection and he needs for be validated. Henry gasped and let the tears finally escape his eyes. Backstories are horrible. Sometimes trauma is just too much to bear on your own. It's okay to admit it, and it's okay to look for help.

"Go ahead and cry, Henry. You need it. I love you."

It had been so long since Henry had heard those words said to him. He eh let his lips quiver into a smile before reciprocating his embrace. 

He really needed this.

1205 Words

Twisted Ties that Bind [Henry x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now