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You were just patrolling around the Order of Heroes when you decided you wanted to double check inventory. You were just bored at this point. So you walked towards the inventory and were shocked to find none other than ya boi Henry in there. He was digging through the hero feathers, an opened bag of black feathers messily at his side and a few attached to his cloak. What was he doing? How curious. Why would he be collecting feathers. You slowly approach him, knowing that he didn't sense your presence. You didn't want to startle him, but he wasn't coming back up from burying his face in the chest so you must.

"Henry? What are you doing?"

Henry yanked himself out of the chest of feathers and turned around, carrying a few black hero feathers in his hands. Wait, black hero feathers don't exists. Maybe dark falcon feathers like Aversa's and Girl Morgan's May have gotten mixed up with the hero feathers. Why was Henry fen collecting black feathers anyways? That seems like such an odd thing to do.  Henry hid his hand behind his back, underneath his purple cape, and laughed nervously. It was almost as if he didn't knew you caught him in the act. Or pretending like he didn't know.

"Nya ha, oh (name)! I didn't, uh, see you there. Whatcha up to? Wanna hang out?"

Very funny. You'd rather know what exactly he was doing. You rose a single eyebrow and he sighed in defeat, taking his hand out from behind him and stuffing the feathers in between his fingers into the bag on the ground. He licked it up and held it in his hands. He looked at it for a moment before looking up at you, still smiling like a child.

"You wouldn't happen to know where I could find more crow feathers, would you? I need lots and lots If I'm ever going to get this to work."

"But what are you using the feathers for?"

He paused, not wanting to answer. He turned around and sat on the ground round, criss crossed as of he didn't hear you and lost his train of thought. You walked over to him and sat down next to him, noticing how he was trying to poke tiny holes in his cape and put the black feathers through them to attatch them onto his cloak. Maribelle and Oboro wouldn't like this one bit. You're probably going to have to get a new cloak made for him. You just silently watched him, realizing that he was ignoring your presence, and waited for him to say something. After accidentally breaking a feather in half, he sighed and placed it on the ground.

"How many feathers will it take?"

"How many feathers will it take for what, Henry?"

"To fly."

To fly? Why would Henry want to fly? Then again, he's always obsessed with crows and ravens. Maybe she it's a little game from when he was a kid? Who knew. You smiled, not knowing the context about Henry's desire to fly. Sure, you can design wings for him and help him fly. Maybe you can get a friend like Tiki to help him. Or maybe a new friend so he can meet new people. Hopefully a flier, since he anrs to fly and all. Florina's a no since she's scared of men. A shame since she's excellent at making flower crowns and weaving baskets. Myrrh's to busy following Ephriam everywhere. Spring!Veronica is off with Elise again having fun.... who should you call over to help? You can figure that out later. Right now you have to propose the idea of making wings with Henry first. Maybe that would make him happy.

"Well, do you want me to help you? I'm sure we have enough feathers, we just need a few more allies to help make your wings."

That's it! Catria! She would be happy to have some people pay attention to her and make friends! You don't have flier Nino so you can't suggest her. Elincia would probably also like to join. Sumia's skilled with flowers, so what's few feathers? Nowi is also a given, but she might be with Spring!Veronica and Elise. Oh! Sharena and Laevatein could join too! You haven't seen Sharena in a while and are starting to miss her. Henry spun a single raven fearher and spun it between his index and middle finger. He thought for a moment.

"Allies? Why would anyone want to help me fly when they just drag me back down to this hell I live in?"

His voice got seriously dark, his blood red eyes opening and looking back to you. His head cocked all the way to the side and he wasn't speaking like a demented child, his voice higher and more off-putting. You didn't even have to think about it. This definitely had some sort of tie to his timeline. Recently he had been acting stranger. More reclusive, more ominous, scarier to other heroes. Especially around the Tharjas, Female Robins, and both Grimas. Aversa included. He'd mumble something and walk away. The weird behavior with the feathers must be added onto that. You need to soothe him, because that previous environment was certainly abusive to him.

"Hell? You're not in your old timeline Henry. You're here now and everything is okay. I promise. We only want you to be happy, Henry. If you don't want me to go get Catria or Sharena that's fine. But I'm more than happy to help you make some wings and try to help you fly."

He froze, looking down and frowning. He closed his eyes again, but didn't smile. It was almost as if he truly had forgotten he was in a different world. He spun the feather in his fingers again. Then he leaned to the side, falling on your shoulder. He opened his eyes again, looking up at you. You smiled reassuringly at him. He seemed genuinely puzzled, but also blank. It was like his memory had flicked off like a light switch and you turned it back on. How peculiar.

"Catria? You mean that pretty blue haired Pegasus knight? She's really pretty but kinda stoic. Is this your way of trying to make me make friends?"

He saw right through you, didn't he? You should probably brush off his behavior as if it never happened. It might have just been an episode of accommodating to seeing people from his timeline more frequently or something. If it happens again, you'll just have to be there to help him. You nod and he closed his eyes again, not moving. 

"You're much nicer than Tharja and Robin, you know that (name)? You're adorable and sweet and you treat me like family. Nya ha... Maybe one day I should show you my kingdom."

Kingdom!? What Kingdom?! You flinched, taken aback by the new information. You didn't understand, but Henry was smiling so maybe you should smile too. That was a lot of new information on his lore. Something about Robin and Tharja mistreating him and a kingdom he owned. You made a mental note to advise all female Robins and Tharjas to stay away from Henry for the time being. You ran your fingers through his hair and let him lean on you. Catria and the others that you planned on getting could wait. Henry needs this calm moment first to recover from whatever bad memories were flashing back into his mind.

"Ha Ha, okay Henry. One day you'll show me your kingdom."

1253 Words

Twisted Ties that Bind [Henry x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now