No matter who I'm with (A One Direction Fanfic)

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HEY GUYS! So I'm Hazzza_and_Lou (My name is Julia) and this is my first fanfiction ever so go easy on me!! Please let me know what you think!!!! Vote and Comment!!!

I'm dedicating this chapter (and overall story really) to LamPayning because she wrote the story that really gave me the push to start writing. i had always wanted to write fanfiction but never had a push! the minute i got caught up on her story "Painful End or Endless Pain?" i knew i should start writing! So many thanks to her! check her out!

ENJOY! Xoxo Julia

Just Louis.

That’s all he will ever be

And that’s all he has been since we were little kids.

Just Louis.

So you may be wondering: Who is this chick? What’s up her bum? Well my name is Juliette and I’m 17-years-old. I was born in New York City but moved to England, more specifically Doncaster, when I was 7. I have only one sibling. His name is Stan and he’s two years older than me. I have long brown hair and my absolute favorite color is purple. But that’s totally beside the point.

I am not snooty. I am not a bitch. And I most certainly am not a wannabe. I have a lot of friends and some may call me popular but I know the real reason why. It’s not my purse or shoe collection, it’s not because im nice, it’s because of him.

My best friend in the entire world, my other half, my Louis. Yes, Louis Tomlinson of the famous One Direction sweeping the nation with his beauty and boyish charm! Although Lou is older than me (A/N I know Louis is 20 but in this story he is 19) he greeted me with open arms, literally, when I moved next door to him 10 years ago.  I remember the day I met him so clearly. Like It was yesterday.


“Mommy what if no one likes me?”

“Juliette, you have to stop worrying! I promise you and Stan will make friends in no time! It’s lovely here!” My mom had gotten a job in Yorkshire a while ago and had been going back and forth from NYC to England for a while leaving Stan and I with our dad. After about a year we decided to just move. 

“Yeah Jules, grow up. You’ll be fine” Stan replied with his usual snarky attitude. I rebuttled the only way I knew how: I punched him square in the nuts.

“We’re here!” 

I looked out the window of our car to see a beautiful house and I remember thinking “I could get used to this!” 

After everything needed was unpacked, Stan and I decided to go meet our neighbors. We knocked on the door and very nice looking woman opens the door.

“Oh! You must be Stan and Juliette, Elizabeth’s children! I’m Jay and your mother has told me so much about you! Stay here, let me go get the Louis and Lottie! They are closest to you two in age” a minute later, two kids come and give us big hugs.

“I’m Louis and im 9! Lets be friends!”

End flashback

I let out a giggle and soon 6 pairs of eyes are burning holes in my forehead. Shit. 

“Oooooo Jules is giggling again! We all know what that means!” Screamed my brother. Before I knew it, 6 fully grown man/boys are tickling me.

Now before you jump to conclusions; no, I’m not a groupie. Being Lou’s best friend, Stan and I spent an excessive amount of time with the band. It was always Jules, Stanley, Lou, Hazza, Zaynie, Nialler, and Daddy Direction. We were a family. always have been, always will be. No matter who was with who…

A/N OH! Pic of Juliette on the side!!! ---------->

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