My baby girl.

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A/N Please spread the word about my story! I feel like no one knows it exists! Thanks!

Xoxo, Julia

Stan’s POV (A/N YAY FOR STAN!!!!!!!)

Whatta night. Everyone was so drunk but no one beats Jules and Lou. Oh my god they were so shitfaced that I was almost worried about my lil sis. She’s only been that drunk once before and I will tell you that it wasn’t an ideal situation. Let’s just say she had officially been deemed ”Doncaster’s Wild Child.”

But this night was different. She laughs about her reputation now. This could potentially ruin her for good.


Kathryn and I were on our way to the front door. Our lips hadn’t parted once since we left the club. Yes! Stan is getting lucky tonight!

Kath pulled away from me and I whined.

“Stan isn’t that Juliette’s top? And Lou’s jacket?” I stopped whining and looked to see that she was right. There lay my sisters top and her best friend’s jacket. We weren’t even inside the house! All I could do was give a wide-eyed glance to my girlfriend.

“Kath, baby, I t-t-think you should g-g-go home. I don’t know what happened but I think I need to have a little talk with my roomies” she nodded and kissed me one last time before departing.

I hesitated to reach for the doorknob and all I could see was a clear like of clothes leading to Lou’s room. I reluctantly followed it and made the mistake of pressing my ear against the door.

I’m scarred from what I heard. Forever. It was a mixture of giggles, low chuckles, gasps and moans. I left as soon as the words left my baby sister’s mouth

“Louis!” then silence.

End Flashback

“Stanley?” a voice, one that could be mistaken for a hurt little girl, squeaked. I could feel her pain by just hearing my name.

“Oh Juliette come here.”

She ran onto my bed instantly collapsing on my lap in a fit of chokes and sobs.

“Shhh baby its okay. It’s all going to be okay. No one is mad at you. You did nothing wrong. It’s okay.” I cooed to the fragile seventeen-year-old girl that lay in my lap.

We lay in that position for a good hour before she said anything

“I thought that it would be special. I at least thought I would remember it. It wasn’t even out of love.”

“Are you going to tell him?” I asked as I played with some strands of her long hair


“I think I need some time to sort things out.” It was barely a whisper.

“Whatever you need, baby. Whatever you need.”

This wasn’t a crush anymore. This was so much more. She slept with him. He had something he could never give back. He had something that Juliette could never get back.

She always wanted it to be special. With the one she was in love with.

Louis had it.

Louis William Tomlinson had Juliette Lily Lucas’s virginity.

With the one she was in love with.

Who loved her back.

No matter who I'm with (A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now