
401 19 13

"hey mark." donghyuck trudged into marks house, with a smile on his face. mark immediately rolled his eyes at his presence. the older stood up from the couch and walked up the younger.

"why the fuck are you here, again! get out of my house!" mark lashed and pointed to his door. donghyuck chuckled after hearing the same thing for so many years and walked past the boy, looking around the disorganization of his place.

"you know, you need to fix this place. its a mess! it looks like you're living in a pigsty. i guess thats one reason they don't call you the beast for nothing..." donghyuck murmured that last sentence, while mark was fuming with unnecessary anger. mark had quite the temper in which led him to his anger issues. donghyuck knew that, for sure, but always loved to tease the older anyway.

"you've been telling me that for years as you barge into my home like its your own. is this what the 'beauty' of the town does in his spare time? just walk into peoples houses uninvited? next time, you'll need a warrant to enter my house or else you'll be hearing from my lawyers." mark crossed him arms and furrowed his eyebrows.

"oh mark lee, you are quite the funny man. now will you help me clean up this mess, it's disgusting. and you look disgusting, have you showered?" donghyuck promptly walked up to the male and sniffed him. he instantly pulled back in disgust from the gross stench that lingered on mark.

"oh my god, you stink!" donghyuck covered him nose and mark looked away in embarrassment, a thin line of red tint on his cheeks. "do you even know what hygiene is? come on you need a bath, immediately."

donghyuck grabbed hold of marks wrist and dragged him to the bathroom, where he set the water at the right temperature and let the water fill up the tub before turning it off.

"hop in beast," donghyuck said, pointing his arms to the bath. mark scrunched his face and flicked the boys head. "ow! what the hell!"

"oh no, did i just ruin the beauty's face. i'm so sorry your highness." mark mockingly bowed to the younger. "now will you excuse me i need to take a bath. i don't need nobody watching me so... get out and leave me house!" mark pushed the younger out his bathroom, slamming the door right in his face.

"you don't have to be so rude about it..." donghyuck mumbled, massaging his shoulders to calm the pain. donghyuck sighed and turned around to see the house still a huge mess.

"well, i'm gonna be here for a while." donghyuck put his hands on his hips for a second and shook his head in disappointment before going ahead and doing some deep cleaning.


after finishing taking his bath and shower, he realized he forgot to bring some extra clothes. he said an "oh shit.." under his breath and heard things being moved around his house. must be donghyuck cleaning. as always donghyuck is stubborn around mark. he doesn't know why he talks to him, and sometimes cooks for him and cleans, almost everyday. probably because mark is too lazy to do it on his own. it annoys the older cause he's been doing this since they were little and he's never stopped. he just wants to be alone but of course, hyuck doesn't let him.

i guess mark has no other way but to have donghyuck bring him some clothes.

"hey donghyuck!" mark called out through the door, hoping the boy heard him.

"yeah?" donghyuck asked as he walked to the door, putting his ear against it.

"uh... i need clean clothes to put on. i have some in my drawer in my bedroom. can you go get me some?"

"woah, woah, woah. you're asking ME to get you clothes even after you treating me like shit. you didnt even say the magic word." donghyuck said as he chose to tease the older at this time. mark groaned loudly and banged his fist against the door. what else could he expect from donghyuck, honestly.

"god damn it lee, just get me clothes!" mark raised his voice while his temper worsened.

"just get me clothes... what?" donghyuck smirked, continuing to annoy him.

"donghyuck, i swear to god..." mark fumed with anger at this point.

"if you aren't gonna say please, i ain't getting you shit." donghyuck slowly began to walk away as he heard mark groan from the other side.

"fine! can u get me my clothes... please!" mark finally gave in and hoped that the younger would get him his damn clothes already.

"alright beast, a clean set of clothes coming right up!" donghyuck made sure to empathize the "clean". after a couple minutes of waiting, mark heard a soft knock on the bathroom door.

"close your eyes, idiot." mark said as he grabbed the clothes from the boys hand.

"i am, idiot." once donghyuck felt the clothing removed out of his hands, he closed the bathroom door and let the boy change.

he continued to clean around the house, picking up garbage, throwing away leftovers, etc. then mark came out, ruffling his semi-wet hair and with a white
t-shirt and grey sweats. he then took the end of his shirt, bringing it up to wipe a little wetness that was on face, exposing his stomach.

donghyuck couldn't help but stare. he gulped at the sight and blushed. he had a nice toned stomach, indicating that perhaps he works out occasionally. donghyuck also fantasied about marks messy hair and how it looked kinda good on him-

"what are you looking at, lee?" mark noticed the male was staring at him for a while now and pointed it out in a harsh tone. donghyuck shook his trance away and awkwardly chuckled.

"uh nothing, im almost done cleaning and i will fulfill your wish by leaving." donghyuck stated and speeded up his cleaning, feeling embarrassed about mark catching him staring. mark raised his eyebrow and shrugged.

"okay.. finally." mark went back to watching some shows on netflix. donghyuck saw as mark laughed to whatever was going on the screen. not a very often sound you could hear.

he sighed at the sight. something in him knew, mark wasn't all bad. yes he may have anger issues or a bad temper but he doesn't seem completely bad. everyone in town is deathly afraid of him. he's seen people run away as mark just simply walked by them, not even saying a word, expect he only rarely goes out. but at those times, when he goes out, he's the personality of a beast hence why he's name that.

no one dare talks him, except donghyuck of course. well donghyuck has known mark since little but they never became friends since mark never complied in becoming anyones friend any time soon. but donghyuck never left him alone. he'd always find a way to talk to him even if mark always told him to go away.

now they were adults, living their life. well i don't know about mark, but donghyuck sure was happy with his life. he just wished mark stopped being this grumpy, mean boy that always isolated in his home.

and perhaps things could be different.


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