[[eight]]°.• 💓

1.6K 49 11

06.58 PM // TUESDAY

@kimtae_hy: howdy
@kimtae_hy: im finally
back home

@jeonjk: 🙌
@jeonjk: how was ur dayyy?

@kimtae_hy: exhausting a little
@kimtae_hy: had to go shopping and i don't have a car
@kimtae_hy: then i had to carry all the shit home and i live 15 minutes away from the supermarket
@kimtae_hy: and in the
morning i had go to my dance lesson
and now im TIRED

@jeonjk: ...
@jeonjk: meanwhile
@jeonjk: i have slept oOps
@jeonjk: u could have literally texted me tho I have a car

@kimtae_hy: bitch
@kimtae_hy: do i look like
some kind of jesus to u
@kimtae_hy: how tf should i know

@jeonjk: ...touché

@kimtae_hy: did u at least
sleep well?😂

@jeonjk: very
@jeonjk: had a traumatizing
dream tbh
@jeonjk: it was abt mrs. collins having sex with mr. parker
@jeonjk: like ewewewewew
@jeonjk: im never gonna be able to look at them again

@kimtae_hy: omg i hate mr. parker
@kimtae_hy: motherfucker
gave me a bad grade for going
to the doctor instead of his class

@jeonjk: hate him too
@jeonjk: wrote into my report card that I'm always on my phone in class so my mom deadass took it away for 2 weeks

@kimtae_hy: ...how
did u survive

@jeonjk: i didn't

@kimtae_hy: shit dude I'm
talking to a zombie :o

@jeonjk: exposed

@kimtae_hy: mrs. collins
is okay tho
@kimtae_hy: her class is boring as fuck not gonna lie

@jeonjk: always fall asleep

@kimtae_hy: same

@jeonjk: wait how come ur in my grade even tho ur older

@kimtae_hy: hoe
@kimtae_hy: im dumb akxjsjfid

@jeonjk: wElp im smart then cause i skipped a year✊

@kimtae_hy: for real now?

@jeonjk: 3rd year of kindergarden because i could already read and shit
@jeonjk: so they saw no use in keeping me there yk

@kimtae_hy: duuuude
@kimtae_hy: einstein who

@jeonjk: 😂😂

@kimtae_hy: you know that feel
@kimtae_hy: when u so
hungry but too lazy to cook

@jeonjk: theres a great solution for that my guy

@kimtae_hy: and that would be?

@jeonjk: mc donalds?

@kimtae_hy: how tf do i get there without a car rip
@kimtae_hy: busses are not driving today either

@jeonjk: technically
@jeonjk: i could pick u up
@jeonjk: i mean in pretty hungry too

@kimtae_hy: u sure?

@jeonjk: absolutely
@jeonjk: drop that address mate

@kimtae_hy: [some random
ass street in korea man idk]

@jeonjk: be there in 5

@kimtae_hy: gimme 10
@kimtae_hy: im lookin like
the shit™

@jeonjk: i bet u don't


@jeonjk took a screenshot

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@jeonjk took a screenshot

@jeonjk: u literally look perfect stfu
@jeonjk: so ill pick u up at a quarter past

@kimtae_hy: ;-;
@kimtae_hy: ok fine


@jeonjk: im gonna leave now❤

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@jeonjk: im gonna leave now❤

@kimtae_hy: and I'm
gay oOps✊

@kimtae_hy took a screenshot

@jeonjk: perhaps i blushed a little

@kimtae_hy: told u ur a baby

@jeonjk: ill convince u of the opposite one day ;)

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