[[nineteen]] °.• ❤

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I was already standing in the parking lot infront of taehyungs house. It was 6:30 am as I started honking like 3 or 4 times.
I let my eyes travel across the horizon. Behind the big house, there were lush, green fields that 
stretched for miles, small wisps of white clouds scattered across a rose-ish sky. I scrolled through my phone to text him before I lit up my cigarette, not knowing wether i ruined the fresh, sweet scent of morning air, that was entering through the rolled down window, or made it better.

@jeonjk: picking u up today
@jeonjk: already outside, join me for some starbucks

@kimtae_hy: what?
@kimtae_hy: nevermind omw

The door of his house opened like 2 minutes after, his shoes in his hand, I figured he didnt have time to put them on.

"Morning", I smiled, already handing him his coffee, as he sat down into the seat next to me.

"When did we talk about you picking me up again?", he asked, looking at me like I was some kind of god.

"We didn't.", I answered and he laughed, as he started putting on his shoes, me pulling out of the driveway.


We were sitting on a bench in the park infront of our school, my hand on his thigh as we were just talking about god and the universe.

good thing • kehlani

I checked my schedule to see what was up first.

english - mr. parker

Well that was a cool class, especially now that I knew I had it with taehyung.

Just as I thought this morning couldnt get any better, I saw jimin walking towards us, spotting the excitement on Tae's face.

"You know him too?", I asked, and he turned his head towards me, smile forming on his face again.

"He's one of my best friends", he smiled and in that exact second Jimin had reached us, his expression close to loosing it.

"Will you look at that", he said, "my two bros being close.", his eyes on my hand that was still on taehyungs leg, "as fuck."

"Why did you NEVER tell me about him?", I asked stunned as he leaned down to give me a hug, reaching for my lighter that was laying next to me on the bench after.

"Boo I know like the whole school okay? I can't introduce you to everyone.", he tried to defend himself of my sudden accuse and we just started laughing.

This was sure a way to start a schoolday.

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