[[eleven]] 💚

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tae tae point of vjew

I am many things right now.

To name the most important: Happy.

I am happy as I walk out that McDonalds door, for the first time in a while actually.

I feel so at peace around him and so complete.
As if my true self was hidden before and is only now coming out and living to the fullest.

It sounds cheesy, I know.

And perhaps also a little stupid, regarding the fact that we have only been talking for a very short time.

Yet I have to fight myself again, not to just kiss him right here and there, looking so god damn fine as he suddenly reaches out for my hand.
I look at him, confused, as he just grabs it and pulls me across the big ass road infront of us.

Just not minding the red streetlight.

"Kook-aahh", I yell, "it's red!"

But we were already on the other side.

He starts laughing before he brought up his hands to cup my cheeks.

"You're safe when you're with me.", he smiles, "Nothing will ever happen to you. "

He looks me in the eyes again.

"I promise"

Made and kept
Forgotten in keyless chambers
Dusty with age and neglect
Promises - that once were°°

"I'll drop you off home again?", he asks me, as he connects his phone to his car, in order to play some music.

I nod, before hes already backing off the parking lot, Ariana Grande playing through the speakers.

"Do you have the whole album?"

"Yeah sure, wanna choose a song?", he replies as he hands me his mobile.

I scroll down the list, before I spot my favourite, needy° and press onto play.

It feels just perfect, as we drive down the road, into the golden mess of streetlights.

And as Jungkook suddenly starts singing along, I could hardly believe my ears.
I look at him, my mouth dropping open.

I sit there in absolute awe, as he hits every note perfectly, sounding just as angelic as he looks.

"Holy shit Jungkook", I hardly manage to mumble out, as the song ends and he turns to me with a smile.

"What?", he asks, as if nothing would've happened.

"You've got the voice of a fucking angel kookie"

He's blushing, turning his head back to the road so I wouldn't be able to see.
But I already did.

"T-thank you", he smiles, stumbling over his words.
He scratches his nose, as the next song started playing.

He sings along -> I doze off.

I look at him, noticing the way he furrows his eyebrows when he hits the higher notes, his voice filling up the car.

This goes on until the second we pull into my driveway, me not even noticing we arrived being stuck in a trance.

He walks me to my door like a gentleman, waiting til I step inside my house before waves at me to say goodbye.


I'm literally thinking about closing the door as my insticts just took over me and I step back outside to pull him into a hug.

"Thanks for tonight", I say, as he wrapped his strong hands around my waist.

I nuzzle my face into his shoulder, the scent of his perfume filling up my nose.
God I've never felt so protected before.

"No, I should be thanking you.", he replies, a smile forming on my face.

"Text me when you get home, will you?", I say, as I let go of him.

"Of course."

He's still smiling as he walks backwards to his car, waving again, before finally driving off.

And I already kind of miss him.

I close the door and take off my shoes, pulling my phone out of my pocket to check the time as my face went blank.

6 missed calls from  [hoseok♡]

2 new messages.

@junghs: babyyyy
@junghs: I'm finally coming home!!

;nudes [taekook]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt