[[twenty]] °.• 🧡

691 22 4

The day went by so fast, it was unfair.
English class suddenly became my absolute favourite, I loved how Tae's hand was right on my thigh throughout the whole lesson, how he rested his head against my upper arm from time to time.
I loved how he was so comfortable around me. It was adorable.

We spent the free period together in the park, on the bench we had sat on earlier, his hand in mine and it was just all so perfect that we both started questioning if there'll be a negative plot. But for now we had each other, or at least i had taehyung.

I took him home after school, we talked about summer vacation which was starting in a week and he told me about how he's not going on vacation cause hes all alone and he has no one left to go with.
I decided right then that I would take him somewhere.

I spent a few hours at his, cuddling on the sofa as we're skipping through netflix, looking for a good movie to watch.
I was laying on top of him, his hand in my hair.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT GO BACK", he suddenly yelled into my ear, causing me to almost fall onto the ground.

"This one!!", he continued and he started wiggling around underneath of me as I was about to settle down again, cupping my face as I looked at him, "pleasepleaseplease"

I laughed, "Of course baby, we'll watch whatever you want."
Call me by your name was the name and I hadn't watched that one before so I had no idea what was expecting me.
By the end of the movie, there were tears just flowing out of my eyes, couldn't do anything about it and fuck I normally don't ever cry.
But this has SO been the best movie i have ever watched, god there are no words.

We had switched positions by that point of time, tae sitting on my lap, kissing my tears away.
He was pressing small kisses onto almost every inch of my face, being the adorable baby that he is, but he hesitated as my lips were the only inch left.

"You dont have to", I whispered as I looked into his eyes, trying to read his expression.
He was in a trance as his hand travelled down my neck, along my collarbone.

"But I wanna."

And with those words he leaned foward, very carefully, slowly closing the distance between us and i swear, there hasnt been a word invented yet, for all the feelings rushing through my body as his lips were fully on mine.

I can't describe what he was doing to me as we started making out, shyly biting into my bottom lip, sucking it in, whimpering into my mouth as I held his waist a little tighter.
He seemed so fragile, I was scared to break him with every movement.
I felt an indescribable amount of affection for the boy on top of me, christ I wanted to protect him for eternity.
It felt like that was just my purpose. As if he was my purpose.

I left with a heavy heart that evening, wanting nothing else but to just stay with him.
He gave me the thightest hug before letting me go, looking after me from the doorway until I was out of his sight.

@jeonjk: thank you for this afternoon
@jeonjk: meant a lot to me

@kimtae_hy: <3

;nudes [taekook]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt