[[fifteen]] °.• 💝

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"Here take this", I smiled, walking out of the kitchen, a cup of tea in my hand.
Taehyung was sitting on the couch, cuddled up into a big blanket, eyes puffy and red but he was calming down. It was unfair how aesthetically pretty he was right now.
I sat down next to him, giving him the cup, he took it into both hands before he scooted closer, resting his head onto my shoulder.

"I'm sorry", he whispered after a while.
"Don't.", I answered.

He turned on some music, i checked the tv screen to read the title of the song.

boy with the winfields
and the wild heart

I thought about how pretty that title was. How pretty taehyung was.
His hand dropped down into my lap, tracing his finger over my thigh and all I felt in that moment was the need to take care of him until forever.

I looked at his hand for a few minutes until i decided to take it into my own, slowly, intertwining our fingers for good now, memorizing the feeling.
Holding it just softly, fitting perfectly together like missing puzzle pieces.

He sniffed, nuzzling his head into my shoulder a little deeper and i noticed how we didnt need words to communicate anymore.

I rested my head onto his, breathing in the smell that was in the air, focusing on the sounds.
All of this was completely new to me.

"Stay tonight, will you?"

I smiled. "Sure."

;nudes [taekook]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt