[[eighteen]] °.•

690 22 2

"Not to flex, but I'm a fantastic cook.", I smirked, preparing some eggs and bacon, the smell filling up the kitchen.
Taehyung was backhugging me, head resting on my shoulder.
He was just a little bit smaller than me.

"What is there you can't do?", he answered and I could literally hear him smiling through his words.

He was pressed up whole against my body, almost as if he was terrified to loose me, to have me leaving.

I felt his hands on my waist, reaching under my shirt just to touch my skin.
His lips were on the skin of my nape seconds after.

I laid my head back a little, lips now travelling down the side of my neck.

"Baby, I gotta focus on the food, if you don't want burnt eggs for breakfast.", I said, trying my best to keep myself together, but he was making it terribly hard for me.


I was doing the dishes, after we had eaten, phone connected to the speakers to play some music.

touch • cigarettes
after sex

The sun was shining through a dirty kitchen window, Taehyung upstairs, taking a shower.

I sat down onto the couch as I finished, ignoring the 339 unread messages and the 16 missed calls from my mother.

I was smoking, as he walked down the stairs a few minutes later, hair all wet and messy, oversized black shirt thrown over a pair of shorts.
He smiled as he sat down next to me and I decided right in that moment, that him smiling was one of the most beautiful things I had ever laid my eyes on.

We stayed there for a while, talking about our day, tomorrow was school again.

"We don't have classes together do we?", I asked as I pulled his legs over my lap, caressing the, to my surprise, shaved and extremely soft skin.

"We do actually", he answered, "first 2 periods and 6th one we've got a free period together."

I bit down onto my lip.
how come i never noticed?

"Sit next to me, yeah?", I asked.

"I'd be honoured."


I got home at around 11PM that day, sneaking through my bedroom window like in those ridiculous teen movies and as I fell down onto my own bed, I realised how empty that actually felt.

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