Part 3

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Finally we make it to my hotel room. Thank god, because I think we were just about to be all over each other in the back seat of the car; having the driver watching us. Once in the hotel room, Chris pushes me against the door and kisses me demandingly. His hands lift up my dress and slide under it. I wrap one leg around him and I take his shirt off. His body is just perfect… We move towards the bed as Chris steps behind me. He pulls down the zipper of my dress and kisses my neck. “This dress has to go off…” he whispers. God, he´s so tender, I really missed being touched by a man like that. I turn around and as we kiss I open up his jeans. He moans as I touch his dick – he´s hard as a rock and I can tell you, I am ready to let go as well. It feels great to be wanted by a man. He takes off my dress and opens my bra. His hands slide softly over my breasts. He gently pushes me down on the bed. Every time he touches my body it feels like firecrackers inside. “I wanted you from the first moment I saw you” he whispers in my ear as he partens my legs. I wanna feel him right now, so I wrap my legs around his waist and he makes me scream as he shoves into me… God, I missed that feeling so much… and Chris seems to be the perfect one to show me real passion again…

As I wake up the next morning Chris is looking at me with a smile. “Hey, beauty…” he says and gives me a little kiss. “Hey…”… I reply. “What time is it?”

“It´s half past nine” he says and I jump up. “What? Damn, I have no idea when my flight goes back, I don´t even know if it´s today or tomorrow, I gotta call my agent” I say, trying to find my bag somewhere. I can see on my cell phone that Angela has already called. I got to call her back.

“Hey, relax” Chris smiles as he gets up and comes up to me. “Do you have any important commitments back in LA? Is there a way I can make you stay for a few more days?” He pulls me close. “Me, Hemsworth and his wife are staying for some more days before we get back to LA. Do you wanna stay with me?” My heart beats like crazy. God, I wanna forget everything when he´s near. “I don´t think so, Chris… I have to get back” I state between the kisses he´s giving me. “Are you sure?” Another kiss. “Can I change your mind?” And another one.

I don´t know what it is. I don´t know what he is doing to me. But I just can´t resist him, and somehow everything else seems to be unimportant when he´s near. I´m rather shy usually, and I don´t let people get to close to me. But Chris makes me feel like I´ve known him for years.

“Damn, I could really need some days off…” I finally give in and we sink down on the bed again for a magnificent way to start this day….

I haven´t called Angela yet and I have no idea when I´m supposed to be back in LA. In some way, I just don´t care. I am happy right now! I am suppressing the thoughts about my obligations. I am going to stay here for a few days, I can check out the new projects Angela wanted to email me here in Spain as well. Chris and I spend the rest of the day together. We have lunch in a beautiful little restaurant and we walk through the city hand in hand. We´re both wearing dark sunglasses, so nobody would recognize us. It´s a sunny day and everything seems to be perfect.

But deep down inside, there is this feeling of fear. I don´t really know what to think about Chris. I don´t even know him – I just spent a wonderful night with him. Even though I promised myself to stay away from trouble – and right now, a man just means trouble to me. I´ve so much work to do, I don´t wanna miss any chance of success because of a man, who might cheat on me anyway. And I know that men are like this. But on the other hand, Chris seems to be different… he is really caring and tender. But wasn´t Colin caring and tender as well, when on the same time he was dating that bitch behind my back? Oh hell, I am just torn apart. I don´t know what to think or what to do… and there´s Angela, telling me to focus on my career, and she´s right, I owe her so much… I don´t know what to do…

Maybe I should just try to enjoy my time with Chris. Just because we spent a night together doesn´t mean I have to change my life or something like that. I am in control of my feelings! I am not gonna fall in love. I am just having fun, and that´s it. I am going back to LA in a few days, after having some fun with Chris, and that´s it. I can see him again if I want to, there´s no problem with that.

“Hey, are you listening to me?” Chris laughs and kisses my hand he´s holding. “What? I am sorry, what did you say?” I stutter. “I just wanted to know if it’s okay to go out with Hemsworth and his wife tonight. We´re having dinner and we´ll go for some fun afterwards, there are a few good clubs here I hear” he tells me. “Hm, well” I start as he pulls me close. “Don´t even think about saying NO.” he grins and gives me a little kiss.

“Well, how can I say no if you’re looking at me like that?” I answer back smiling. “I´m glad to hear that” he says. We keep on walking through the small streets full of little souvenir shops. “Hey, look at this” I say and pull Chris to one of the shops. I take a look at a gorgeous antique silver bracelet. I love that kind of jewellery. I´m gonna buy it. “You like it?” Chris asks. “Let me buy it for you.” he says as he pulls out his wallet. “No, you don´t really have to” I try to insist, but it´s too late. He´s already paying for the bracelet. “Thank you so much” I say as he puts it around my wrist. “Well, just to make sure you´ll never forget the time we spent here in Spain – and to make sure you´ll think of me too.” he says and kisses me. I feel like I am in heaven, when at the same time I´m afraid of my own feelings I start to have for this man.

Later that evening I´m getting ready for the night. I´m putting on a dark blue, silk holder neck dress. I think I bought it in Paris last summer, but I haven´t worn it once. But for tonight it´s just perfect. As I´m just about to put on my shoes, my cell phone rings. It´s Angela. She´s called about five times today, and I haven´t called back once. I´m answering the phone with a guilty conscience. “Hey Angela” I say, trying to sound relaxed. “Where the hell have you been?” she yells. “I tried to call you a hundred times, what´s going on, damn?” I take a deep breathe. Keep cool. “I spent some time with Chris Evans. You know, that actor from the Avengers cast. We had lots of fun Ange, and we…”

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