Part 4

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We sink down on the floor, both gasping for breath, our bodies sweating. I take at look at Chris. “Come with me” I tell him. As we get up, I take his hands and pull him to the bedroom of the suite. We´re snuggling down on the bed. I pull him close to me and rest my head on his chest. Chris runs his fingers through my hair. I could stay like this forever… I can feel his heartbeat, and there is no place in the world I would rather like to be right now.

But then I think about going back to LA. My stressful job. “Chris..” I whisper. “Yes baby?” he says and gives me a little kiss on my head. “What will be when we are both back at home?”

“What do you mean?” he asks. “Well… Will I see you again?” Chris sits up and stares at me. “Do you really think, I´m letting you out of my sight again? No way…” he smiles. I snuggle close to him. I wish I could believe that. But when Colin left, he took all my trust with him. I wish it could all stay like this forever. With the thought of that, I fall asleep in Chris’ arms.

A well known sound wakes me up. I sit up and listen again. My phone is ringing. I grab it and I see that it´s Angela. “Good morning” I yawn into the phone. “Morning´ honey! I hope you already had a look at your mails?” Damn shit. What time is it anyway? “Ah, yes I did” I lie. “So, what do think about this one with Universal?” she asks. “Ahm, Ange, can we talk about that a bit later, I just got breakfast and I have to go through that all once again...”

“Hm. Okay… are you alone?” she asks distrustful. “Yes, of course!” – another lie, as Chris is still sleeping next to me. “Great. Listen, you have to come back as soon as possible. I arranged a meeting with Leonard from Universal. Can you fly back this afternoon?” I know that this is not a question. It means I will have to. But what can I do… “Yes, of course” I say sadly, looking over to Chris. He looks so cute while he´s sleeping… “Okay honey, I´ll get you a flight and call you in about two hours to give you all the details.” Damn, does this woman ever sleep? “Thank´s Ange. Hear you later”. So there´s two hours left for me and Chris. “Who called?” he suddenly asks, still having his eyes closed. “Hey, I thought you´d still be asleep… sorry for waking you up” I reply and give him a little kiss. “Mmmm…. I´m half asleep right now” he grins, pulling me close. “It was my agent” I tell him. “I have to go back to LA this afternoon.”

“You really have to?” he asks. “”Mhm. I´ve got an important meeting, that can´t wait I´m afraid. “You know what” he says as he sits up. “Let´s get some breakfast, hm? But first – let´s take a shower!” He gets up, grabs me and carries me to the bathroom. “No, Chris, I have to…”

“No arguing! Shower time!” he interrupts me. So I let go and we get into the shower, and Chris makes love to me so tender and passionate at the same time, that it almost makes me cry, because I know I´ll have to leave him in a few hours.

LA / ANGELA'S OFFICE / SAME TIME. “Okay, I´ll check them. Thank you Paul, I really appreciate that.” Angela hangs up the phone and opens an email. It contains pictures of her client and Chris Evans, hanging out in a club in Spain. They were taken last night. “Oh wonderful. Alcohol, partying and that guy all over her. Damn shit. That guy has to go, or he´ll ruin her career completely. A pretty face, yes, but no high quality actor, and from what I hear a manwhore as well. I have to do something. I have to prevent her from making a huge mistake. Not for a man…. she must not make the same wrong decisions I made when I was her age. We had enough trouble with that douchebag Colin, he nearly ruined her career…. Damn, what can I do to stop that?”

Angela grabs the phone and dials a number.

“Hello Jonathan, this is Angela. How are you doing?” … “Good to hear. Yeah, I am fine, thanks. Listen, I got a great idea for some publicity for my client as well as for yours. And by the way, can I ask you for a certain phone number?” … “Well - here´s the deal….”

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