Part 2

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SPAIN. Events like the Movie Awards are usually really easy going. You make your speech, you hand over an award and then you party the night away. Just what I needed right now.

I'm waiting backstage for being sent onto stage to present the nominees for “Best Movie”. I wear a beautiful red dress by Ralph Lauren, just perfect for the show. And here we go, it´s my turn now. So I go on stage and announce the nominees. Then I open the envelope.

“Alright, here we go – the winner is: The Avengers!” I love it, cos I´ve always been a fan of that movie. The crowd screams, as the members of the cast that could make it to the show walk on stage. Jeremy Renner gives me a hug, his hand way too close to my ass. “Thanks honey.” he says in his rusty voice. Yeah, I understand why so many girls are into him – he´s kind of hot… and here come the other guys, first Mark Ruffalo, then Chris Hemsworth; both giving me a little hug as I congratulate them. And then I look into the most beautiful eyes I think I have ever seen in my life – Chris Evans smiles at me and I nearly drop that damn award. “Hey, you better be careful, I don´t want you to hurt your toes with that thing… ” he whispers with such a cute smile, while Jeremy is thanking about one hundred people for this award. I don´t mind, he could keep on talking for hours. I kind of feel some chemistry between Chris and me. Finally, they are finished with their acceptance speeches and we get off stage.

“Hey, you know what?” I hear Chris say, “I am a really huge fan of you… I think I saw all of your movies. It´s nice to meet you in person finally!” Hell, he looks great in his dark jeans and his tight shirt. And suddenly I remember that I used to have a crush on him a few years ago. “Thank you! And I have to tell you, that I really had a crush on you a few years ago.” – oh my god, did I just say that? I´m really embarrassed, but Chris just laughs. “Well, that flatters me” he says with a cute grin. “C´mon, let´s have a drink!”

So we have drinks and a great conversation. He´s really cute… and for the first time for a very long time I am not thinking about what happened with Colin two months ago. I spend a wonderful and amusing evening. “Hey, before I go… we´re all going to a concert here in Madrid tomorrow. Would you like to come?” Chris asks me as we are heading to our cars. “Yes, I would really like to come!” I reply with a smile. So we exchange phone numbers and he promises to give me a call me tomorrow. We hug and then I leave for my hotel.

I slept wonderful tonight. I really did. So I get up, take a long shower and have breakfast. And then I remember Chris’ invitation, and I am really looking forward to seeing him again. But damn, I completely forgot that I was supposed to fly back to the states this afternoon. So I call Angela to tell her about my new plans.

“Hey Ange, morning, could you do me a favour? I need another flight as I am staying here in Madrid for two more days…” I inform her. “Well, I wanted to sit down with you for a new, very important project, what are you gonna do there?” she asks.

“I was invited to a concert, and I wanna spend these two days here. I need some holiday, okay? Let´s talk about that project, as soon I am back in L.A.” I don´t wanna discuss that now. Damn, she´s my agent! You´re paid by me, so do what the fuck I want you to do…

“Hm, okay, that´s fine with me… I´ll just send you some emails, okay, just go through them, they´re important. l´ll take care of your flight to get changed and let you know all the details later” she says.

“Thanks Angela. Love you. Talk to you soon!”

Just as I hang up the phone, I get another call. “Yeah”? I answer the phone. “Hi, this is Chris! Did I disturb you?” I hear him say in his sexy voice…. “No, no, not at all! It´s nice to hear from you.” I reply. “Listen, I know I told you I´d call you a bit later for all the details about the concert, but we´re about to do some sightseeing today until the concert starts, so I was wondering if you´d like to join us? We´re leaving in about an hour.”

“Well, you know what, I don´t have any plans, so why not?” I tell him. “Could be fun… I would really like to come with you.”

So I meet Chris and the other guys at their hotel and we start our sightseeing tour. Madrid is really beautiful. But all the time I am wondering about Chris, who is kind of always trying to be close to me. He opens doors for me, he helps me carrying the tons of souvenirs I buy, he even put his hand on my back while we were standing on a platform to enjoy some view over the city. Not that I am complaining… I really feel good, when he´s near. And the whole day I have time to check him out… he´s a real cutie, with a gorgeous smile and stunning eyes. And on top, he´s really caring and charming as well. We share some intense looks during the whole day, and every time he touches me, it sends shivers down my spine.

Later that day, I am waiting for the beginning of the concert in the VIP area. I am really excited, and as Chris comes up to me to welcome me, I feel like having butterflies in my stomach… damn, where does that come from?

“Hey, it´s great to see you!” he hugs me. “Come on, we´ve got time for a beer until the show starts.” So I follow him to the VIP bar and we have a drink, chatting a little bit about Madrid and the places we visited. “I really enjoyed that day with you.” he suddenly tells me and looks into my eyes. Wow, he´s just amazing. I love the way he looks at me. Am I about to fall for that guy? Suddenly some security guy yells “Okay people, come on, we´re about to start!”

Chris smiles at me and takes my hand. “Come on, let’s go.” So the band finally starts playing while me and Chris are sitting next to each other. He keeps glimpsing at me from time to time, and every time he does, I get this strange feeling in my stomach… no, I can´t fall for Chris, I can´t… I am not ready to have feelings like that for a man again… I have to focus on my career, I tell myself. So I enjoy the music and look forward to a great after show party, trying to ignore Chris’ looks.

After the concert we all head to a club where a private area is reserved for us. “Okay, here´s another one” Jeremy yells. “Damn Renner, stop telling your dirty jokes now” Chris laughs. “Just have another beer and shut up!” “You´re just jealous, cos your jokes aren´t funny at all, bro!” he says and goes for another bottle of Corona. Chris laughs. “See what I have to deal with” he laughs. “After four months of shooting and promoting you are glad you don´t have to see these guys for some weeks!” We´re both sitting on a couch, and he keeps on coming closer, until we kind of snuggle together in one corner of the couch. I love his smell and I love the way he tries not to get away from me. It makes me feel fantastic.

The party’s great. Everyone’s having a laugh and I am truly enjoying myself. But every party has its end, and finally it´s time for me to go. “I´ll bring you outside.” Chris tells me. As we are standing at the entrance, waiting for the car to arrive, he comes closer. I feel a rush of adrenalin running through my veins. “Thank you for coming” he says. “I was really happy to have you here”….. What are you doing? I think while he puts his hands around my waist and brings his face closer to mine. My body shivers, and I suppose he´s trying to kiss me. “No, sorry, I … I can´t do that…” I whisper as I step back, just as his lips are about to touch mine.

He puts his arms away and looks embarrassed. “I´m sorry, I didn´t... it´s just… I kind of like you, and I thought you would do as well…I mean, the day was fantastic, and I thought there was something going on between us…”

“Sorry Chris, but I can´t do that” I say.

So here I stand, looking down on the floor. Chris comes up to me gain. “What are you afraid of?” he asks as he caresses my cheek. I can feel a tear running down my face. God, I act like a foolish teenager right now. Chris wipes my tears away with his hand. “Hey, is everything okay?” he whispers. No it´s not. I am not ready for this.

“I just…sorry…. I don´t know if I´m ready for this… I made a really bad experience, and it broke my heart… it´s a very long story… and I´m afraid of …” I murmur between my tears.

“Hey – I know what was going on with you and Farrell. Sometimes I do read magazines and newspapers!” He gives me a smile. “I don´t wanna hurt you… I just wanna be with you.” he whispers. And as I look into his eyes, I just get lost. I don´t fight it any longer – I´m attracted to this man and I wanna feel his lips on mine. As he pulls me close, I wrap my arms around his neck and we share a long and soft kiss… and suddenly my fear seems to be blown away. He´s a great kisser, and his strong arms are holding me tight. What am I afraid of? We keep on kissing, more passionate now, and everything around us seems to disappear. “Let´s get into the car” I tell him. “I wanna leave”.

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