Part 5

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How could I´ve been so dumb? So naive? I take a deep breath and dial Chris’ number. I don’t know what to feel, should I be angry or should I be sad? “Hey…” he answers the phone in a soft voice. “Good to hear from you… “ Oh god, he sounds so sexy…. I have to focus…

“Hey Chris… you know what, I´m really sorry but I think I won´t make it to that release party. I have some stuff going on here and I have to meet some people, so it´s just not possible.” Damn, just try to play some fucking role right now – tell him whatever, but just end that whole thing.

“Oh, that´s sad to hear… I really wanted you to be here, but I understand that. So when will I see you again? You know what – I kinda miss you… really, I wish I could be with you right now.”

Don´t you tell me that – I know you´re lying… that really angers me…

“Well Chris, I´m sorry. But I kinda have a full schedule over the next weeks and I don´t have time for things like that. I have my own career I have to focus on. I can´t go to every single event I´m invited to.” I know I sound bitchy right now. And I know he recognizes that. I do it on purpose. I´ll make it easier for both of us if I pretend that it just doesn´t matter to me. There´s a long pause.

“Wow, okay, so – we´ll not see each other again soon? Is… is everything okay with you, I mean, you sound a little bit strange to me... we spent such a great time together, and…”

“Everything is fine Chris” I interrupt him. “It´s just, well, I am very busy, I´ll start shooting a movie soon and there´s lot of things to prepare… okay? Listen, I gotta go now, okay?”

“I´ll call you in a few days to…” he starts, but I interrupt him. “No, I think I won´t be available. I´m sorry!” I say.

“O-okay… so, you can give me a call whenever it suits you…” he sounds disappointed as he hangs up. Tears are running down my face. How could he do that to me? If Chris is dating that girl this will have no future anyway. I want a guy that is faithful. And honest. So forget about it. Who needs a man, anyway. No. I´ve learned my lesson. I´ll never give away my heart again.

It´s Wednesday, half past seven, and I am ready for my "date" with Anthony. I worked hard within the last two days, thank god, so I had no time to think about Chris. Whatever.

So we are having dinner at “The Ivy”, and Angela made sure we were seated at one of the windows. People are staring at us. I feel horrible. But at least, Anthony is really nice and charming, and I have to admit, I´m having a good time.

As we are leaving, dozens of paparazzi run towards us, taking pictures. I´m used to that procedure, so I just smile into the cameras, as Anthony is taking my hand. We head to the car and he opens the door for me. “Seems like our agents did a great job” he declares as he starts the car. “Mhm, I guess they did” I answer. “So, you think we should go to some club?” he asks me, while I´m checking my phone. No call from Chris. Have fun with your ‘fan’, I think to myself. Why am I waiting for him to call anyway?  “You know what, yeah, we should really do that” I tell anthony. If Chris is hanging out with someone, I can do the same.

“Ok, let´s go!” Anthony replies and we had to LAX club where we hang out until three in the morning, always making sure some paparazzi are getting the possibility to snap some good shots.


“Evans! Damn, I´m talking to you, stop dreaming” Tom, who has been a friend to Chris for years, yells at him. “What?” he stutters. “Sorry, I was just thinking about..”

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