Part 6

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The good thing about being famous is, you can get in every club and you can have your own VIP lounge with lots of space to dance – and lots of drinks. So Nicole and I head to LAX club, which is our favourite one, to party the night away. I´m still confused about Chris’ reaction on the phone today. If he´s with that girl, why would he be so angry because I was out with Anthony? I just don´t get it.

“As usual!” I tell the waiter, as he comes up to ask us what we want to order. We are well known here, we spent some quite good nights here. The waiter comes back with a bottle of Absolut Vodka, Raspberry taste, and hell yeah, this is what I need right now. Angela tried to convince me to take Anthony with us, but no way. I´m so sick of men right now… “Hey... stop dreaming, hand over that bottle” Nicole tells me. “Are you sure you´re okay?” she asks and caresses my arm. “Well, I don´t know” I reply. “To be honest – Angela is getting quite annoying… I mean, I know she does everything she can for me, but she´s pushing too hard. I can´t do three things at one time, I know I should be thankful for everything she did for me, but, she´s kind of strange since a few months. I don´t know what it is.”

“Well, you know what MY opinion about her is” Nicole tells me. Yes, I know that. When I met Nicole, we soon became close friends. I can tell her everything. Angela was kind of jealous of her. And Nicole told me that a friend of her was once a client of Angela, and that some weird things were going on at that time. Private pictures of that actress found their way into the tabloids, and she finally fired Angela, although she claimed to have nothing to do with that incident.

“I think she´s a good agent on one hand, but she´s an underhanded bitch, sorry for saying that. Of course you need an agent that pushes your career, but not by any means. I told you a hundred times, come to my dad’s agency, first of all he´s really good – and second we could spend much more time together” she grins.

“I love you honey” I laugh and give her a hug. “No, seriously, think about it. I´ll talk to him, if you want me to.” I´m really glad to have a friend like her. She´s just great. Two other friends of ours enter the VIP lounge, and I´m sure this night is going to be so much fun… we dance, drink and laugh.

“Hey sweetheart, where´s your lover?” Michael, a gay friend of mine, asks me with a grin. “What do you mean?” I ask him. “Didn´t you check out the US Magazine blog? There are some picture there of you and Anthony. And it says, that you´ve been dating for a several weeks. I am really disappointed that you haven´t introduced him to me – he´s hot!” he giggles.

“Where did they get that bullshit from?” I yell. “Well, honey, they quote your wonderful agent there, whom we all adore here in this group.” he says. Did I mention that my friends think Ange is a bitch?

“Damn, she must be out of her mind… I didn´t know she would tell the press this kind of story… we were just supposed to go on a date.”

Now I understand why Chris was so angry. And I start doubting Angela´s story about that girl in Spain. I tell Nicole about my thoughts.

“As I told you - underhanded bitch! Another bottle” Nicole yells to the waiter, and I know I am not going to be sober when leaving the club in the morning hours.

As we are standing in front of my door I´m searching for my keys. “Damn, where are these fucking keys” I murmur, while Nicole keeps on singing some song she heard in the club. She´s been singing it the whole way back to my house. “Nic, stop singing or I´ll kill you” I tell her, now trying to get my key into the keyhole.

“What´s up, open the door, I´m sure you have some beer in your fridge?” she asks drunkenly. “Of course I have” I tell her and finally I am able to open the door.

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