Part 7

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ANGELA'S OFFICE. “So this kid is trying to tell ME how I should do my job. That´s not working! This guy really has to go, he just gives her funny ideas I think! But that´s not gonna work. Maybe I should talk to HIM to make sure this all has an end and that girl doesn´t ruin her career… Clarie!” she shouts.

Angela´s assistant steps in. “Go and find out where Mr. Chris Evans is residing. I don´t care how you do that, I just want that information on my desk in 30 minutes. And then I´ve another job for your.” 

CHRIS HOUSE / LATE AFTERNOON. As Chris steps out to leave for Stellas apartment, he is approached by a young woman. “Mr. Evans? I’m working for Stella. I have something for you.”

“Ah, hello… you’re working for Stella?” he asks. “I am here on behalf of Stella and her agent. They told me to hand you over these documents” Claire says and takes some papers out of her briefcase.

“Which documents? What´s going on here?” Chris asks. “Well… didn´t Stella talk to you?” Claire asks with an innocent look. Chris starts to get annoyed. “No, she didn’t. I don´t know anything, okay? I was supposed to talk to Stella in a bit. But on a private matter” he snaps at her.

Claire gazes at him. “Her private matters are also her agents’ matters. And I´m just here because I was told to be, so please don´t talk to me in that way” Claire says.

Chris inhales deeply. “I´m sorry. I just wanna know what´s going on here. Give me these papers.”

Claire hands him over the documents. “These are the dates for the parties and premieres you´ll have to attend with Stella. We´ll make sure that the press gets all the reviews and photos as well as your agent, so you can use them for pulicity purposes. You…”

“What?” Chris interrupts her. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Well…. we just wanna make sure that the two of you will take all the advantages out of this relationship…” Claire says. “Does Stella know about that?” Chris asks. “It was her idea” Claire tells him.

He clenches his fists and rushed towards his car. “Excuse me” he tells Claire and leaves his driveway.

“Hey!” I smile at Chris, as I open the door for him. But something´s wrong here – he looks really pissed off. I wanna give him a hug, but he steps back. He rushes through the door and stares at me. “What´s wrong?” I ask him confused.

“What´s wrong? Are you always like that? Playing games with everybody? Why did you call me anyway, last night?” He yells. “Chris, what´s wrong, I don´t understand…” I stutter.

“You know what? I came here to give us a chance again, because I really liked you, but then your agent´s assistant is giving me a fucking contract, or whatever, what do you think you´re doing? Who do you think you are?” I don´t know what he´s talking about, and I can´t say a word, I´m too counfused. He throws some paper to my feet. “I am not gonna be part of your sick show, you hear me?” he yells. Right at this moment, Angela comes in.

“Ah, I see you already talked about our litte commitment?” she says and picks up the papers. My face turns pale, and I feel sick. “Angela, what are you doing?” I ask her. Chris gazes at her, then looks back at me. “Honey, I did, what you ask me for! I It´s all about getting some headlines!” she says with a fake smile and looks at Chris.

“Okay. So that´s it.” Chris says and I can hear that it´s hard for him to talk. “I´m outta here.” He gazes at me and it tears my heart apart to see that look in his eyes. There´s nothing left of this gentle look that I like so much about him – I only see disappointment and anger. I´m shocked by that. He turns around and heads towards the door. I grab his arm in a desperate attempt to hold him back. Suddenly he smacks my arm away. “Chris...” I can´t believe he did that.

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