Chapter 4

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"I don't understand ...? I had the tank filled up just yesterday." She seems to be having a conversation with her self while examining the gas meter with her eyes.
"it's ok lets just try to get some help." hopefully my words will releave some of Jennifer' s stress.
I pull out my phone only to find no reciption. What the hell why is trouble always on my doorsteps.
"Jennifer I have no reciption on my phone, I guess it's sort of screwed up. Check your phone maybe your's has reciption ?" I really hope she has recption if not then I don't know what the hell Im going do.

She nods her head and reaches for her phone in her pocket. "Ok let me see hopefully I can save our butts." A frown sets on her lips suddenly indicating that what ever she's about to say next is not gonna be a good news.
"Well....?" I finally say after waiting forever for her to reply. She looks at me nerviously shaking her head to say no.
Suddenly a car drives by us but it's too late for us. By the time we yell for it to stop ,the car is already out of our view. Giving up I decide to just sit in the back seat of the car leaving the door open with my legs dangling out. Jen follows behind and sits in the passanger seat in the same manner as I am.Both of us facing the road in hopes of an another car to drive by and notice us.
It's currently 6:30 p.m and we've been here for at least 3 hours which is quite a while. Jen found a better use to spend her time. She's been reading some story on her phone all this time while I've been here checking my phone for recption every now and then and listened to my playlist at least three times since I don't have very many songs,that's why my play list is a bit small.
Finally I see a pair of headlights peaking through the curve of the road behind the trees. I run from my seat and further in to the side of the road so I can be more noticeable to whoever is approaching us. Jen catches up to me and starts waving her hands for the car to notice her as I do the same. Luck seemed to work in our favour since the car started to slow down.
Felt like as if hours passed by as we waited for the driver to come out. I held my hands in front of me to block out the blinding light coming from the headlights. The engine soon shut off as I heard a car door open. My hand were on the sides again, blinking a couple of times as I tried to adjust my vision. A low chuckle escaped from someones mouth (the drivers I'm assuming.) I looked over to Jen who stood there staring ahead of her as if she's seen a ghost. I diverted my eyes back to the car to see a lanky figure walking slowly towards in my direction. Instantly I knew it was him a stupid smirk playing on his stupid perfect lips. Gosh why do all jerks have to be so attractive.
"Liking what you see darling ?" his index finger grazing one of the cornors of his mouth as his thumb grazed the other cornor of his mouth.
"What no!" ok yes I totally liked what I saw but I wasn't going to let him know that.
"So you don't like what you see?" his eye brows furrowed.
his green eyes stared into mine waiting for an answer . Of course I like what I see Harry gosh you obnoxious jerk.
"Well that's a bit hurtful, but I'm glad that you enjoy the view babe." A toothy grin played on his face. Gosh I want to smack it off of his- wait what the acutall fuck was I thinking out loud ??? I guess I must've been but I don't usually. This could not get any more embrassing. Before I could say any thing else in my defence he spoke.
"So why are you girls out here anyways ?"
"seriously ?" he has to be kidding me. Couldn't he see that we weren't here because we wanted to be here. We were here because obviously we were in trouble.
"You dufus can't you see that we're stuck here !? Trust me we would've called for help but We couldnt call anyone because there's no recption in this area." did I really just call him a dufus? he seemed a bit suprised by what I reffered to him as.
We all stood there in silence I could see Harry's jaw tense as if he was biting down what ever he was going say to me but to my surprise a slight smirk soon played on his lips and his jaw finally relaxed again.
"Right. Sorry just not in the right state of mind today." That explains the mood. Well I'd rather have him not hating my guts for once.
He looked over towards the side of the road as he acknowledged Jen's Audi truck.
"I'll have it picked up tomorrow " He turned his head back from the truck to look at Jen and genuinly smiled at her. She seemed a bit hesistant but she soon relaxed herself and retuned the smile.
Wow so you're not as bad as I though of you to be curley. He suddenly shifted his eyes towards mine and smiled at me as if he heard me say that. He started walking back towards his car opening the back door as his foot tapped impatiently against the road.
"Well..." Was he offereing us a ride ?
"Um arent you heading away from town ?"
"Clearly not anymore." he rolled his eyes seeming a bit annoyed now.
"it's ok you don't have to go out of your-" he cut me off short before saying.
"get in the car." his voice now more stern.
Jen sure seemd to be intimidated by his sudden change of tone as she quickley passed him and sat in the back. He smiled at her before quickly closing the door. He turned around to look at me again.
"Now. please. " his face sofened a bit as he stood there waiting for me.
I sighed dramaticly before passing him to open the back door that he held open only seconds ago. I felt a hand cover mine as it rested on the handle. I gasped before looking up to see Harry looking down at me.
"Sit in the front. "
"Um ok?" With that I brushed past him to get to the other side of his truck.
I quckly got in and fastened my seat belt as Harry started his truck up making a u-turn on the empty road. It soon started raining cats and dogs out there. I honestly don't know how Harry could even see the road ahead of him the wipers weren't doing a very good job at keeping the rain away. The sun had finally set so the only light source we had were the headlights that helped us some what to see what was ahead of us. It was awfully quite in the truck.
I could feel the goose bumps rising up the arms slowly as the tempreature slightly dropped. I couldn't help but shudder. I should've worn a jacket today.
"You're cold." I hear Harry's deep voice from next to me. Damn that accent is to die for. Wait did I just say that? I don't respond to him though instead I just look out the window like I have been all this time.
"It's too hot in here. So I turned the heat down." Well thanks asshole ofcourse it's too hot for you since you're already dressed in layers.
I turn to look straight ahead but I can see Harry smirking as if he's heard some funny joke. His right hand leaves the wheel to reach back over the console to reach over to the back seat. He searches for something for a bit as he keeps his stare ahead on the raod. I'm soon handed a heavy fabric. I couldn't really tell what it was because of all the darkness.
"Thankyou." I genually smile at him because of his politeness. I didn't really think he could be this sweet. He looks over to my side and smiles back at me before returning his gaze back to look at the road ahead. Gosh why can't you be like this all the time??
I realize that he's handed me a trench coat because I've found two arm holes and I wear it as if it's a blanket over me. the lenght of this whole thing engulfs my legs in as it remains draped over them. It smells really nice wonder what colonge he uses, but what ever it is it smells really good. Oddly it smells like a forest and sort of sweet like fruits with a hint of mint.
I realize that Jen's in the back seat,and I've totally forgot about her. I glance back only to find her soundlessly asleep. Her mouth slightly open. I smile at her adorbleness. Good thing she's already wearing a jacket. I turn back around to see Harry smiling at me.
"What?" I slighltly feel my ears heating up. Shit don't blush don't blush.
"Nothining." His dimples now on full display. He turns back to look ahead.
"Wake up Elizabeth." I hear a deep voice softlly call out to me and shortly after a nudge is felt on my shoulder.Wait what the hell. I quickley open my eyes.
"Where am -" Before I know it pain shoots through the crown of my forehead from the impact of my forehead bumping into Harry's front teeth.
Harry stumbles backwards both of his hands cupping his mouth as a mumbled grunt escapes through his mouth along with bunch of profanaties. I then realize that he was leaning in trough the passenger side and the door was left open. Harry suddenly unclaspes his hands from his mouth shock soon taking place on his features. I gasp when I see blood oozing through the cut on his bottom lip.
"Oh my god." He says before I even get a chance to speak as both of his hands cup either sides of my face.
"bloddy hell you're bleeding." His lips now leveled with my my nose as he's bascially leaning over getting a better look at my forehead. Wait what I was bleeding ? I was too buisy worrying over Harry that I never realized the hot liqid on my forehead slowly trailing down. He quickly closed the passenger door and basically sprinted around the front of the truck to get to the driver's side. I looked out the window to see that we were in front of Jen's house.
"You both were sleeping so I didn't really want to disturb you. I basically carried Jennfier to her bed. She's such a baby." A quite chuckle left his bloodied lips.
"Didn't her parents question you?" My mom would if Harry was on our doorsteps carrying me.
"They weren't home." he stated simply as he drove off towards my house.
What the hell how did he get in then?
"Jennifer gave me the key.Actually, not really give me the key she litrally chucked it at my handsome face that you oh so happen to admire. She can't be left by her self in her half awake half sleeping state. Anyone could take advantage of that." I swear to God he can read minds. From the coner of my eyes I saw a light smirk playing on his lips once again.
"We're here." Harry announced as he put his giant truck in park. It basically hogged up all of the space in our driveway. My mum's car wasn't in the driveway so I'm assuming she's not back from work.
I unbuckled my seat belt wishing I wouldn't have to leave the warmthness of Harry's coat but I had to take something for the headache that I was getting. I opened the door and turned around to look at harry.
"You coming ?"
"W-what?" He seemed a bit surprised by my question af if he wasn't expecting me to ask him.
"You need to clean that cut up Harry otherwise it'll keep on bleeding. So come in." It was basically my fault so I had to take care of it.

He sighed before unbucking his seatbelt and took the keys out. He was soon out of the car and by my side.
"Keep it on." Harry spoke before I even reached up to remove his coat. He offered me his hand and I greatfully took it because I was a bit light headed. I definetly felt something as our hands made contact. I don' t know why my heartbeat picked up its pace as he securely grasped my hand.

Authors note :

I'm sorry if this story sucks. English is my second language. So despite that I'm going to continue with this story. If anyone is reading this then please make yourself known. Comment below give it a like I don't know just make your presence known.

Thanks ~

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