Chapter 6

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I feel the fabric of the pitch black coat on my fingers. He left so suddenly that he left his coat behind. He didn't even bother taking his truck (which, now I realized was a Range Rover). I'm surprised that he had enough time to put his shoes on. What is up with him anyways ? One minute he's rude, the other minute he's someone who you want to  be around. Maybe he lives by so he decided to walk it? Hopefully he's okay . That night I fell asleep under the comfort of his coat. It almost felt like as if he was there, but he wasn't.

It's the last day of spring break. It went by so quickly though. I've properly settled into to my new room. I've gotten used to the roads here mainly because Jennifer and her boyfriend Deo (Josh Devine) have been hanging out with me and showing me around the town. Josh is actually very sweet his nick name is Deo so I just call him that now because I'm used to hearing it come out of Jen's mouth all the time.They are the only friends that I have made so far.  I haven't heard from or seen Harry ever since that day. His truck was gone from the driveway the next morning after that night. He was at lease nice enough to  drop off Jennifer's truck at her house like he said he would,  but he was secretive about it as well. According to what Jen has told me he apparently just left her truck and slid the keys through her mail slot along with a little note saying " Your welcome. -H

I mostly spent the day over at Jen's. It feels like as if I have known her forever. I'm glad she's my friend. Right now we're ( Jen ,her sister and I) sat in Jen's living room enjoying hot chocolates. It's pouring out there like crazy again. Hell. It rains a lot recently.

-'"Oh my gosh." Jen interrupts the comfortable silence that had fallen in the room.

"What ?" I ask. This girl is so random.

"Last day of breaks school starts tomorrow !" She sequels in excitement.

"We know." Both her sister and I say at the same time.

"Oh come on guys are you excited !?" Jen asks

"Not me. I hate getting up early." I really do. Plus I was a bit scared to be going to a completely new school.

"Come on it'll be fun. I promise."

"I guess." I sigh. 


Pretty soon it was time for me to leave. Since I was joining my mom for dinner. Jen was nice enough to drop me off even though I was living two -three houses down from her,but it was not worth the walk in all that rain. 

"I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow. Don't be late!!" Jen shouted over the rain before she backed out of the driveway of my house. I ran straight for the front door. Right as I was about to open it I felt as if someone was right behind me. I turn around to be greeted by no one. Absolutely no one. Ignoring that weird feeling I turn around and walk back into the house.

"Mom I'm home!" I make my way to the kitchen after removing my shoes. Expecting my mom to be there.

"In here honey!" Well duh I knew where she was, because by the time she called out I was already in the kitchen.

"I was a bit too lazy so I just ordered in pizza." She says as she sets up the plated on the kitchen island."

" Hawaiian I see." I say as I take two delicious looking slices consisting of ham cheese and pineapple.        


"Wake up honey! Time for school!" Harry said.

"What?" I am so confused right now.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up" His voice sated fading into my mom's voice as I shook my shoulders"

I opened my eyes suddenly to see my mom looking down at me.

"Finally you're up sleeping beauty. It's time to wake up you got school today remember?"

"Uggggggggggggh" I groan. I am a bit nervous honestly. Maybe it won't be so bad?

After shower I quickly pulled on my tights socks and a loose cotton white t- shirt  with long sleeves. I apply some mascara and tie my hair up into a ponytail before I make my way down stairs to be greeted by my mom pouring me some cereal. As I'm about to take the last bite of it I hear a horn honking outside. It must be Jen.

"K i gotta go mom. I'll see ya.Bye Love ya!" I say before I empty my bowl and make my way over to the door and pulling my shoes on. I step out the door to see Jen waiting in her car. 

"Hey!" She chirps.

"Hey. Do you think I need a bag ? I didn't know if I would so I just brought my purse." I ask her whilst getting into the car.

"No. Not really. You have hands anyways so you can always carry the papers and textbooks. Plus what a lockers for." It's a good point I can just carry the important things and then put everything in my locker.


"Hey babe" Deo calls out somewhere behind Jen as we step out of the car in school parking lot. He makes his way over to Jen quickly snaking his arms around her waist before giving her a quick peck. 

"Hey Eli!" He says looking over Jen.

"Hey." I smile at him in response.

"New school for you. You exicited about it?" He asks.

"Um yea I guess."

"Cool. Well lets get you your schedule shall we?" He said as he leads Jen towards the building and I follow suite.

Luckily I have majority of classes with both Jen and Deo. I head off to my first class which happens to be Chem with Jen. I mostly don't pay attention to where I'm heading as I talk to Jen and before I know it I feel my self colliding into someone's chest and then fall back.


Authors note:

Another update! Ignore my spelling and grammar please.

My new cover was designed by: @jennifer_97

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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