Chapter 5

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I fiddle around in my purse as I search for the key. Finally I feel the metal under my fingertips as I quickly take it out and struggle to put the key into the keyhole.
"Here let me." Harry speaks from beside me as he takes the key from my hand and succeeds at unlocking the door without any trouble.

I'm greeted by the warmness of the house as I step foot further into the house. I remove my shoes and place them against the wall beneath the cushioned bench at other entrance. I hear Harry clearing his throat. I turn around to see him leaning against the door frame arms crossed against his chest.

"Aren't you going to properly invite me in?" He speaks.

I sigh in annoyance "Come in."

"Not really a proper invite still but I'll let it slide."

A half smirk plays on his lips as he uncrosses his hands and steps foot into the house. I turn back to remove his coat and place it on the black cushioned bench. I feel someones stare on me. Harry quickly averts his eyes to his hands as I turn around. His nose and cheeks tinted in a shade of pink. I'd say he's blushing but it could also be the cold ? I did bascially catch him staring though. To put him out of his misrey I break the silence.

"I have an emergancy kit upstairs in my washroom." He nods his head finally looking up at me and motiones his right hand forwards towards the stairs.

"After you" his smirk making a appearence once again.

He follows behind as I make my way towards my room. Harry's eyes wonder around taking in the surroundings.

"Nice." he steps further in to the room as I stand by the door.

" I'm still setting up." I walk into the washroom finding the kit laying in the right drawer that I always had incase of emergancies

I find Harry sitting on the edge of my bed slouching over with his elbows resting on his knees, both hands intertwined in front of him. Eyebrows furrowed as he stares blankly at his thumbs still not awknowledged by my presence. He seems to be in deep thoughts. I fight the urge to ask him about what he's thinking as I make my self known by walking towards him. He looks over at me as I'm still making my way towards him. His hands reaching up for the kit in my hands as I stand in front of him.

"Let me." I insist afterall it is partly my fault. I'll just clean my self up afterwards.

He nods his head bringing his hands back to rest on his knees. I kneel down in front of him, that warm feeling making its way back in my abdomen and my heartbeat increases slightly. I open the kit and take out some wipes. His rather large hand covers my left hand that holds the box stopping my movements. My breath hitches I look up to see his emaraled eyes looking at me intently.He slowley takes the kit out my hands placing it beside him. I try to ignore the feeling in my stomach and softly dab the corner of the wet wipe to remove some of the blood from his chin. Harry's eyes watching me intently the whole time. I feel his hot breath hitting my hand as I slowly trail my hand upwards towards his bottom lip, and the other awkwardly placed on my thigh. I scoot closer to him a bit to get a better look at his cut. I place my other hand that was placed on my thigh earlier to his left shoulder. His eyes contine to bore holes into my face. This whole situations is rather awkward but not so awkward at the same time. Feel what I'm saying ? I'm just praying that he can't hear my heart beating. His lips move a little displaying a half smirk.

"What?" I question him clearly letting curiosity get to me. Did he find something funny?

"Nothing " He shakes his head and chuckles a bit as if laughing at an inside joke.

"Ok.?" What a weirdo.

I prop my self up a bit and bring my self to the space between his legs to get a closer look. His thighs brushing the either sides of my hips.His smirk disapears off his lips and I litrally see his chest rise and fall. He brings his hands to rest on his knees. I focous a bit harder to distract my self from staring into his eyes.I dab the wipe lightly ridding his lip of the remaining blood. I put the some what blood stained wipe on top of the kit beside.

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