Chapter 7 Aid

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Everything happened very quickly. A song was going, then Regina drops a pencil, then she's suddenly bleeding and being picked up by the guys.

With a hand around her waist and his other gently pressing over her cut on her head, Killian moved quickly with everyone else as they got off the stage and to a safe area behind it.

Regina's POV

This is exactly what he didn't want. He didn't want to babysit, and here I go getting almost trampled.

Killian wasn't phased by this spontaneous moment, and was handed a first aid kit, as he sat Regina down. "Give it to me," Killian pulled it away from David as he tried to help.

With the commotion Regina hadn't realized they got back to the room.

Neal and Graham and David surrounded Regina, but it was Killian sitting in front of her getting first aid to her head.

"Ah.." She winced a bit, and he gently blew on the cut where he put the stinging antiseptic.

Regina's POV

He was just so gentle. He didn't even care that he had my blood on his hand. I looked up at him as he blew on my forehead and put a bandaid on it.

David cleared his throat, nudging the others. "What?" Graham blurted, "I think Killian can handle this," David pushed the other two out of the room.

Killian finished the bandage as the guys headed out. "I'm so sorry," Regina blurted out. Killian paused, and sat down in front of her, "Shh," he held up his hand.

"You didn't do anything, I told you those people are like that here," Killian said. "But still you didn't want to babysit, and then this happens," Regina sulked. "Well, that's okay," He said warmly.

He tipped his head up and smiled gently at her, with an eyebrow up in the air, higher than the other.

The pair gazed at each other immobile, and eyes intent and wanting. Tilting just the right way, the pair moves closer with their lips leading the way.

"Hey, you guys want to go out?!" Graham bursts in the door, and Killian jumps up. "That place we like is here," Graham says.

Regina's shoulders shrug up and down startled by the break in the moment. "Uhh sure, yeah we'll meet you," Killian said shaking his head and putting his hand through his hair.

"Ten minutes, come on," Graham pressed, "OK OK, get out," Killian pushed him and shut the door.

"Uhh, I should change, does this bandaid look weird on me?" Regina asked. Killian breathed and smiled gently at her, "No, it doesn't," he shook his head.

Regina's POV

I smiled at him and gathered my things heading into the bathroom. Shutting the door and leaned against it and took a huge deep breath, closing my eyes tightly. What the fuck was that? We almost kissed.

Regina slipped into a skirt, and a peasant top, her hair still in a cute ponytail, and she touched up some makeup now.

As she excited the bathroom, he had changed into a clean and casual outfit. Of course to Regina his sleeves all rolled up was sexy as hell to her.

"Where are we going?" Regina asked.

"Oh just a bar, the guys really like the food there for whatever reason, and we can just hang out," Killian said.

"Won't it have the rowdy crowd?" Regina asked. "Mmm a bit, but it's a bit away from here, and they'll all go to the closer ones given they have been drinking all day," Killian said.

"Oh ok," Regina nodded. "If it's rowdy, just grab my shirt," He smirked.

Regina's POV

That side smile, wow, I can't.

They all got into transportation, none of them driving, and headed to the place.

"Ok what's your poison Regina?" Neal asked. "Ummm," She was still thinking of how close she got to kissing Killian.

"Hard Apple cider," Regina said. Killian smirked. "You got it," Neal nodded.

Killian's POV

Jesus christ that's cute.

The guys went to get drinks as they left the pair to wait at the saved table. Killian leaned on the table and looked at her next to him, with a playful grin on his face. "What?" Regina shrugged.

"Nothing, I just think it's cute you drink hard apple cider," He said. "Well it's good," She defended, "And refreshing in this heat," Regina added.

"I agree," He nodded.

The evening rolled on and funny past stories came up in the conversation. The guys were not remotely drunk, just one or two drinks each, feeling happy.

Regina couldn't help but laugh at some of the moments they were going on about.

"I did not have my pants off," Graham scoffed, and the guys laughed, mid story of hearing about a time Graham had to change pants during a stage performance.

"You had to change them!" Neal laughed boisterously. "Well I still didn't take them off ON stage!" Graham defended.

Regina giggled loudly at their jolly stories, and she couldn't deny, Killian's laugh was a great sound next to her.

Killian's arm also was up around the back of the booth, behind Regina, and as she laughed and shook against the backboard, she felt his arm behind her.

Regina's POV

I'm losing it with how close he is this entire evening. Did he really want to kiss me? Or was that just my imagination? Or what I wanted?

"Come on Regina, we'll get next round as they discuss Graham's pants.." Killian got up randomly, helping Regina to stand with his hand.

Regina's POV

Ugh my hand fits so well in his.

Killian and Regina went to the bar and waited patiently for the busy bartender to come over to take their order.

It was definitely late and to the point where a fair amount of the festival crowd was there, and things were crowded and getting rambunctious.

As Regina looked at Killian, a bumping line of people sent a beer flying into Regina, and spilling completely down her back.

The cold liquid rush sent Regina into Killian's chest. "Oh god," Regina jolted at the spill, and Killian caught her, and looked at her, "You ok?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm ok! Just covered in beer, and no more clothes left," Regina laughed.

"Come on let's get back, you've had enough excitement," Killian said into her ear, so she could hear over the crowd.

"Take my shirt again," Killian said and Regina placed her hand on his shoulder.

"We're going off, she smells like beer now," Killian said to the guys. "Come on," he said leading her out. The guys held up their glasses and stared at them, quietly shipping them with smiles on their faces.

They got back in the hotel room, and Regina shrugged. "I don't have anything clean," She said.

"Yeah we haven't hit a laundromat, Here," he handed her a clean flannel shirt. "Just rinse that off and wear that," He nodded.

Regina's POV

Internally Screaming. His fucking shirt.

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