Chapter 18

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*Christmas morning*

I wake up and realize what day it is. "Christmas morning!" I whisper to Anna. She barks in return.

I get out of my bed and go straight for my chair. Only 20 more days to go till I don't have to use this! Why did Jessica have to be so obsessive? She was always like this though.

* Flash back*

"Jessica! Give me back my building blocks!!" Little me screamed. Jessica shook her head. "I am keeping these! I have always wanted them an now I get the chance to take them!" "Mrs.Kanakal!" I watched as my kindergarten teacher stood up from her squeaky chair, Her dark eyes trained on me and Jessica as she walked over to us. "What's the matter?" Her raspy voice said. "Jessica will not give me back my toys that I brought for share day!" "Jessica! Give them back and say your sorry." Jessica shot me the stink eye and said "Sorry." As the teacher walked away Jessica whispered "You are gonna pay for this!"

*Real time*

I shivered at the thought of her.

I rolled/ fell down the stairs to see my mom sitting by the tree. She smiled as I rolled into the room. " I have a big surprise!" She stepped away from the tree and my dad came out from behind. I haven't seen him in person for over a year! "Daddy!" I yelled and rolled over to him to hug him. "Hi my princess." He whispered into my head. "Dad, I missed you so much!" I said as I started tearing up.

After five minuets of crying and catching up with my dad we decided to open presents. "Open this one first, Dad!" I handed him a small but large gift. He opened it and inside was a box full of sanders chocolate. He smiled with glee. Sanders chocolate was his favorite store. Every time we passed it in the mall we got ice cream.

"Open this one last sweetie," Mom said as she pointed out the smallest box under the tree," So, you should open this one!" She said with a big plastic smile on her face. She handed me a medium size box with goofy Christmas paper wrapping all over it. I shook it. Nothing. Hmmm...... "What did you get me?!?" I asked my mom and dad. "Just open it!" My mom said giddily. I ripped open the rapping paper and there was a big box. I opened up the big box and there was a medium sized box. I opened that box and inside were four tickets to go see Wicked on Broadway. "Mom! I love Wicked! Thank you so much!"

*Christmas dinner with Carter's family*

"Kids! Time to open presents!" Monica (Carter's mom) yelled. All of Carter's siblings ran down the steps. Carter rolled me into the family room by the tree while all twelve of his sisters got presents to open from us. Apparently My family and his family met when I was in a coma. And now they are like BFF's. Funny how that works ain't it?

Before we came I had to memorize each of the girls names. There is (This is youngest to oldest) Olivia 6, Reese 6, Madi 8, Margaret 9, Emily 10, Lara 11, Alexa 12, Alexis 13, Mary 13, Elizabeth 14, Lilly 15, And Becca 16. And of course Carter 18.

One by one each of the sisters opened their packages. We got the little ones moon sand and the older ones teen books we thought they would like. "Go open your present!" I told Carter. He got up from his seat and grabbed two packages. He handed me one and told me to open it. As I unwrapped the package I could feel 17 pairs of eyes on me. I got to a box and ripped it open. Inside was a photo of me and Carter with all of my friends signatures. "How and when did you do this?" Carter shrugged."Last month." I hugged him. "Thanks." I whispered.


So sorry I haven't updated in a while! Just school and my drama class just got me hung up on stuff. Go read it all started with an apple! It is really good and is published so yay! And also read lucky by FutureMrs.Horan17. Bye!!

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