Chapter 1: Falling for a dumb black cat

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Marinette's POV

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Wake up Marinette! Only 15 minutes before school starts!" My mum, Sabine, shouted.

School! Ugh! It used to be a place where I felt safe, loved and cared for. Keyword, was. I miss the old Alya, who was out-going, always there for me and would help me with Adrien. Adrien, I miss the old him too! He was always there to pick me up or catch me when I fall down, always understanding when I stumble on my words. They're gone now, all because of Lila. Lila stupid Rossi. I hate my life! And I hate Lila even more then I did before. Then I remembered something, Club Miraculous has a meeting today straight after school, so I packed my regular things. My Ladybug themed outfit and make up. I changed and ate before leaving to school. Just like I always do. I haven't said a word about Lila because I figured that it was my fault and I would have to face the consequences alone. Sounds like what every main character of a story would do in this type of situations, right?

"Bye mum! Have a nice day!" I fake smiled, slamming the door behind me.

I didn't bother to listen to what my mum said. I was already going to be punished for being home late but these meetings have to be top secret. If anyone was to find out I was Ladybug, the whole club would be in danger. Especially if that someone was Hawk Moth.

As I entered the school, I immediately came face to face with my former best friend, Alya. She looked at me as I looked at her and I walked passed her with my head down, hitting her shoulder on purpose. She believed Lila, a girl who hasn't even been here for a year, over her ex-best friend. Next, I passed my former crush and his best friend and they stared at me in disgust like I was a piece of trash in their perfect world. Our world is far from perfect, I just need to open their eyes. People in our Paris are blind and oblivious, that it actually bothers me. I made it through the hall, getting looks and being shoved a couple times by my classmates. I now refer to them as my former friends if they were my friends. I have no more friends, apart from Tikki and Plagg, the owners of Club Miraculous, Lady Wi-fi and Bubbler. When I entered the classroom, the teacher wasn't here and I made my way to the back of the class. Papers were thrown at me, spit was spat on me, I was tripped by Alya and mean things were said. I ignored them as that's what I do best but something inside of me wanted to smack them all. Oh, and believe me when I said smack was at the bottom of my list of things I would do to them. How long is that list? It would take billions of years to read it to you.

After school...

After getting spat at 6 times, I made my way to the changes rooms of Club Miraculous. I washed my face, changed my clothes and made my make up mask. I was officially Ladybug once more.

Ladybug is actually liked. In fact, Ladybug is loved. I love being Ladybug because people don't hurt me, or at least more people like me then hate me. My biggest enemy is Hawk Moth, the owner of our rival club.

I made my way to the front of the club and the bodyguard asked for my stage name.

"Ladybug," I replied. Wasn't it obvious? He flicked through a couple of pages and shook his head.

"I'm sorry but Ladybug has already been taken, please find another stage name," the bodyguard said.

"I'm sorry but I'm the real Ladybug and I demand to see Tikki of you don't believe me," I start to get angry. What? A person pretending to be me? He took me to Tikki and she was surprised to see me.

"What's wrong Ladybug?" Tikki asked.

"This girl is pretending to be the real Ladybug Tikki," the bodyguard replied. I rolled my eyes.

I'm telling you, everyone is blind here.

"No, I'm pretty sure that's the real Ladybug, get me the other Ladybug," Tikki said, pointing to me.

The bodyguard left and returned after a few minutes with a girl who was dressed like me. I instantly recognised her, Lila. Why didn't I expect this?

"Okay, so one of you is the real Ladybug and the other is a fake, and there is only one way to find out, tell me your real name," Tikki announced. I smirked, I was going to show her that Lila is a liar.

I walked up to Tikki and whispered, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Lila walked up to her and whispered something.

"Well she is the real Ladybug," Tikki pointed to me.

"Um I'm so sorry, I think that you are an awesome Ladybug, why don't you try to dress up as a Fox and maybe call yourself Volpina. Maybe we could become friends?" I asked, looking at Lila sympathetically.


"Okay Ladybug, I'll be back as Volpina and that is my real name by the way," Lila left with the bodyguard. Tikki looked at me confused.

"I thought you said that she was your enemy, why do you want to be her friend?" Tikki asked.

"I don't know Tikki, it just came out, I'm pretty sure that's Lila right?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Curse my big mouth," I muttered.

3 other people entered the room, Lady Wi-Fi the announcer, Bubbler the DJ and Plagg. We were all good friends, although we didn't know our real name. Imagine I knew them in real life.

"Okay thank you all for coming, before we begin-" Tikki started but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," Plagg instructed.

The person did as it was told. When the door open, a black figure walked in. When he was revealed, I couldn't stop looking. Who was he?

"Um, I'm sorry for interrupting but I was wondering if I could join this club? The guard told me to come here to fill out a form," he asked. Tikki turned around and handed him a paper with a pen.

"Fill this out," Tikki said. He nodded and and turned to a table. A couple of seconds later, he turned back around.

"Uhh, why do I have to fill in so much details?" He asked.

"If you get injured, like say you pass out or something and you can't speak for something like that, we will have your details to tell them," Plagg explains.

"Okay," He turns back around to fill in the rest of the page. When he handed it in, Tikki nods.

"Thank you, Cat Noir," Tikki said.

Cat Noir was his name. 

"Cat Noir," I muttered dreamily.

Wait what? Why did I say it like that? I felt a nudge from Lady Wi-Fi.

"You like him don't you?" She teased me.

"N-no, I d-on't," I stammered.

"Ladybug, could you show Cat Noir around?" Plagg asked. I told him yes and Cat Noir followed me out.

"Welcome to C-Club M-Miraculous-s, C-Cat N-Noir," I told him. In my mind, I slapped myself, I was falling for a dumb black cat.

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