Tagged and thank you

1.7K 26 50

First of all, thank you so much for 1k reads! I haven't updated this story much, but I promise I will finish it and not leave it discontinued.

Next, I got tagged. Twice. *Gets notification* Doesn't matter three times. One of them was the same as another though. Whatever. I can't remember which person tagged me for this photo but I know Miraculous_Tomato / Sweet_TomatoChild and Livingmybestlife_13 tagged me

 I can't remember which person tagged me for this photo but I know Miraculous_Tomato / Sweet_TomatoChild and Livingmybestlife_13 tagged me

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1. Nope

2. No?

3. Don't have one

4. Single Pringle

5. Depends, my phone= my bro, my iPad= One of my best friends

6. Uhh, I think it was Crush or Empty

7. 44% I need to charge soon

8. I have 2 Cottenkitty1 and the other one doesn't have wattpad but it was GG from Watching Miraculous

9. He doesn't have wattpad but it's Rod from Watching Miraculous

10. Adrienette?

11. At first, my friends recommended wattpad to read fan fictions because at the time I only knew the f website existed but eventually I started to write stories. I was always scared what people would think about my stories so that's why I never show my account to my classmates and teachers, even though they ask.

12. I can't show you that because it had all my friends and I's faces. I can do my home screen though.

Yeah, I thought it was funny that my oc in Gacha Life was staring at you

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Yeah, I thought it was funny that my oc in Gacha Life was staring at you. Incase you don't know, MyMedia is for music and uhh Piano is obviously a piano app. I scribbled out my school apps and took away the time

Now for the second one.

Now for the second one

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1. Flexy, FlexyLady, (given to me by my family friend) LB and Mia

2. Dark brown or Black (I cant check, it's nearly 12am here)

3. Black

4. I like the dark when I'm watching, reading on my iPad or writing

5. Pink, that's probably the only thing that is girly about me

6. Uhh, my bedroom

7. Don't have one

8. Butterflies (not just because of Miraculous)

9. Empty, Sit still look pretty, Genius and Complicated

10. Anything from EJ12, Diary of a wimpy kid, Dork Diaries and Miraculous Fan Fiction

Now to tag 20 people, sorry if you already got tagged. I only have 17 people so yeah.

KawaiiFoxcelia (idc if this account doesn't work)
FlexyGirl_and_KitKat (Idc if this partly my account)
Sweet_TomatoChild (I don't care
Miraculous_Tomato if they
Livingmybestlife_13 tagged me)

Does anyone know when Kwami Buster comes out? I think Z told me but I forgot. Also, I need to go to sleep, so gn for me and gm, gn and good afternoon for you people. Bug out bug heads.


Real me: How the f*** did you get in this story?

Marinette: *le gasp* you just swore!

Real me: Great *cue sarcasm* sorry about this *makes Marinette disappear* let's try again. Bug out bug heads!

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