Chapter 5: Identities revealed

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Chloe's POV

I really didn't expect for Marinette to forgive her friends so easily. That glare that Marinette sent to Adrien meant something, but I had no idea what. I'm so lucky she didn't ditch me for her old friends but she intentionally sat her friends next to her while still sitting next to me. I didn't want to go back to Sabrina, especially what she had said to me.

"Oh I don't need to listen to you, Miss Nosey brat. You support the liar and you treat me like a servant! Bye bye brat!"

If Marinette left me, I would be all alone. Sabrina wouldn't have come back to me and no one else would want to be my friend. As class finished, I see Marinette chasing Alya and Nino. I sigh as they leave and Adrien looks at them. He looks sad and jealous.

"Uh Adrien? Are you okay?" I ask, helping him with his stuff. He sighs and thanks me, taking his stuff.

"I don't know what I did to Marinette and now she's angry at me," Adrien packs everything. He starts to walk out and I ask him what he's done. He shrugs and opens the door. Adrien holds the door open as I walk out and then closes the door. I catch up to Marinette, holding her back. Nino runs to Adrien and Alya hides behind me, catching her breath.

"So Alya, I'm sorry for everything I did, are we cool?" I asked, turning around. I hold my hand out.

"Yeah, thanks for being by Marinette's side while Lila was lying, I don't know what I would have done if Marinette- you know," she exclaimed, shaking my hand. "Marinette, I'm so sorry for what I did when Lila said those things!" Alya repeated.

"It's okay, Alya, really. But just because your back, doesn't mean I'm ditching Chloe, she's been here for me in my time of need," Marinette rested her hand on Chloe's shoulder, who laughed.

Last class of the day...


"Class dismissed!" Miss Bustier announced. Everyone cheered and ran out the class, leaving Marinette, Adrien, Nino, Alya and Chloe. Nino and Alya left with Chloe behind them. Marinette tried to go but Adrien stopped her.

"Why are you mad at me?" Adrien asked. She looked away and replied.

"Why did you talk to Cat Noir about me?" Marinette was hiding her blushing face.

"Your angry about that?" Adrien laughed. "Marinette, he knows you under his mask and when he found out I know you, he asked about you. I swear I only said good things," Adrien explained. Marinette relaxed. "Why do you care anyway?" Adrien asked. Marinette opened the door and Adrien walked out.

"I like him," she mumbled. He looks at her.

"Pardon?" He asks.

"I like him!" She shouts, way too loud. Adrien stood there, with wide eyes. He felt guilty but relieved at the same time. He shouldn't be hearing this. Chloe dragged her best friends to the others before screaming to tell her who.

"Uhh, Cat- Cat Noir," she stammered, blushing. Everyone looked at her, mouth wide open.

"Holy crap, Cat Noir!?" Alya shouted.

Blushing even more at his name, her alarm rang and she sprinted. Checking the time, Adrien, Alya and Nino sprinted too, leaving Chloe alone. She decided to follow them but she lost them before the made it to her destination. Before heading home, she saw a figure. Following it, Chloe somehow ended up in front of a bodyguard. She asked what this place was and the bodyguard guided her somewhere. Opening the door, 6 people were staring at her.

"Uhh I'm sorry to interrupt but I was looking for my friends and I stumbled upon this place and I was wondering what's it is. The bodyguard sent me here," Chloe explained.

Lady Wifi, Ladybug, Cat Noir and Bubbler looked at each other and nodded. They looked at Tikki and Plagg who also nodded. Tikki grabbed 4 cloths and passed them to the dancers. Plagg told Chloe come in and guess what this place is. She looked at the dancers and then around the room and guess some dancing place.

"This is a dance club called Club Miraculous, my name is Plagg, that is Tikki and those people over there are some of the most famous dancers," Plagg explained. Chloe gasped.

"Oh I've heard of them, Ladybug and Cat Noir the best dancers," she pointed to them. "Lady Wifi is the announcer and Bubbler is the DJ," she pointed to the others.

"Oh but we aren't just random strangers Chloe," Ladybug started. She wiped her mask off and Marinette was revealed.

"MARINETTE!?" She screamed and Marinette laughed. Then Cat Noir and Bubbler wiped their masks off resulting in Lady Wifi wiping her mask off. "ADRIEN, NINO AND ALYA!?" She screamed again, making everyone else laugh. "Why didn't you tell me?" Chloe asked, feeling left out.

"Remember when I said I had something to tell you?" Marinette asked. Chloe nodded. "Yeah, that's what I was going to say. I wanted to confess to Cat Noir first and this ended up happening," Marinette explained.

"But we have a surprise for you." Alya brought a costume out.

It looked like a bee, but the shirt was cropped and it was short sleeved. Her pants went from a bright yellow and slowly faded into a pitch black. Chloe raised an eyebrow and Evillustrator walked in, smirking. Chloe felt a blush creep up her face and she saw Evillustrator's face also red. The other saw this and smirked before Alya threw the clothes at Chloe who instantly caught them. Tikki lead her to a changing room and Marinette filled in as much as she could of the paper. When she came out, ET blushed harder and grabbed some face paint. He made up a design based of her outfit and painted it onto her face before giving her a thumbs up.

"So, what's your stage name?" Nino asked. Chloe thought for a second.

"Queen Bee," She replied. Everyone nodded.

"Well, welcome to the team, Queen Bee," Adrien stated. Chloe smirked as she turned away.

Before Chloe came in...

Tikki called everyone in and told them something.

"It's time," she announced. That got everyone's attention. "To make this work, I need you to reveal your true selves," Tikki told them. They gasped.

"B-But," Ladybug tried to protest.

"Guys, we have a way to defeat Hawk Moth! But this needs time and you won't have enough of it unless you work outside of the Club," Plagg informed them. They looked at each other.

"Wait, are you telling me we know each other outside of the club?" Lady Wifi asked. Tikki nodded. They screamed. Really loudly.

"Let's just say, you are best friends, then enemies, the best friends again," Plagg explains.

"Holy crap, MARINETTE, NINO AND ADRIEN?" Lady Wifi shouts. Lady Wifi and Ladybug hug while Bubbler and Cat Noir fist pumps. Ladybug pushes Bubbler onto Lady Wifi and they both blush. Ladybug turns to Cat Noir and blushes really hard.

"Ladybug I like you too," Cat Noir randomly says before covering his mouth. Ladybug giggles and kisses him on the cheek.

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