Chapter 13 It's Dinner time

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*one week later*

Today's the day. The day Aunt Tanya would finally be coming home after her surgery.

Mom and I have been up before the crack of dawn , me preparing the house and mom cooking up a storm.

She made all of Aunt Tanya's favorites , ranging from Beef Wellington as the main course and ending with Chocolate Lava cake for dessert. The whole nine yards.

While I on the other was busy fluffing pillows, vacuuming every inch and corner not even to mention the little mints my mom insisted I put on Aunt Tanya's pillow.

One would think this was a hotel or something with how all out my mother went.

"Remember to make sure you wrote down the Wi-Fi password for Tanya. " mom said from the kitchen - while holding a mixing bowl filled with chocolate mixture to the brim -

"Yeah mom , already did. "

"Great. And it's the right one ? The new one ? "

" yes mom. The one called Honeybuns -" dad's nickname for mom " with the password Tigerdad" - mom's nickname for dad.

It's weird , I know.

But it's an awkward price to pay for unlimited , high speed internet.

"Shh ! Not so loud. The Johnson's might be listening. " mom whisper yelled .

"The Johnson's? Mom , I hardly think that our 60 - something - year old neighbors would be spying on us for a wifi password." I said in a normal tone of voice.

"You never know. The elderly can be very sneaky if they want to . " mom said as I just inwardly laughed .

What would they watch any way that requires wifi ?

"Okay. Hop to it honey. Your dad and Aunt Tanya will be home any minute." Mom said , disappearing back into the kitchen , while I continued wiping down every surface in the living room .

And not a moment too soon , the doorknob jiggled as my dad turned the knob, revealing him and Aunt Tanya.

"I'm not ready yet !" Mom's head poked out from the kitchen frantically.

"Is Helen over doing it again ?" Aunt Tanya said, making my dad and I exchange looks before bursting out laughing.

"You know your sister Tanya . Always makes a big deal about everything. " dad said , closing the door behind them and hanging up her coat.

"Aunt Tanya !" I said embracing her.

"Maya ! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Really ? I just saw you two days ago." I said with a light giggle.

"Exactly! Too long !" She said , making her way to the kitchen as dad and I followed closely behind.

"Good heavens! Helen you made enough food to feed an army ! Please tell me you have more guests coming ?" Aunt Tanya said , getting a sheepish look from my mother in return.

"My word Helen Georgia Parker ! This is too much! You make me seem like I'm eating for 7000 ! " Aunt Tanya said , playfully scolding my mother for making this many different dishes.

I watched as mom cleared her throat before turning to me.

"Amaya , why don't you invite Savannah and Aiden over? "

"Sure. " I said with a smile

"Perfect!" Aunt Tanya said , clapping her hands together as I walked out of the room , calling our newly invited guests.

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