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She looked into her father's eyes, she had pure hatred in the pit of her stomach. Her glare was a deadly one.

Zoey looked over at Emily. It felt like she hadn't seen her in such a long time even though it wasn't even that long.

"We need to start making a plan," Zoey thought to herself, not paying any attention to what was happening around her.

"ZOEY!" Emily yelled at her friend. Zoey was staring blankly at the wall, not moving, not blinking not doing anything. "ZOEY!" she yelled again this time breaking Zoey's trance.

"What I miss," she said like her normal self, well as normal as you could be when you're kidnapped.

"Oh nothing, you were just zoned out," Emily replied.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking up a plan to escape your father," Zoey replied in a whisper.

"Oh," Emily said raising her voice back to normal.

"So what were you girls talking about," Emily's father asked and his oh so creepy smile had returned to him.

"Why does he always smile like that?" Zoey thought to herself looking at Jake.

"Well since your birthday is coming up we were thinking that we could have made a surprise birthday party," Emily said, a smile growing on her face.

"Oh, well thank you sweety, that's very thoughtful," he said his smile growing.

"Can we still have a birthday for you, I haven't had one with you for a long time," she gave him the puppy dog eyes hoping that would soften him up.

"Yes, I would love to celebrate my birthday with you,"

"When's your birthday?" Zoey asked trying to get onto his soft side like Emily had done so easily.

"Oh funny you ask because it's tomorrow," he replied his smile shifting towards Zoey.

"Oh that's really cool," she said trying to act calm.

"Yeah, so what are we gonna do, come on tell me," he said like he was a 5 year old boy asking for cake.

"Well that's the surprise part, so can you let us go back to our room to discuss about it and no listening through any cameras," Emily asked

"Ok, you guys can go, and besides you can't listen through the cameras," he gave a little chuckle and showed them off to their room.

They all rush to their room, and start to plan a plan to escape.

"Ok so, while Emily goes to the birthday party thing, me and Zach can try to find a key or something to unlock the door, Steph, you can be our look out and Zoey, if you want you can go in with Emily," Ethan said thinking out loud.

"Ok, Emily replied, "Wait, where should we lead my father, out of the building or something?"

"Umm, we could bring him o your house, like where he faked his death, we could try to bring up the old memories and that could soften him up," Steph said looking over towards Emily and flashed her a quick smile before her eyes returned to her hands.

"Yeah that's a great idea!" Emily said patting Steph on the back.

"One question," Ethan stated "how are going to bring him their without him realizing it?"

"We could say that part of the party is going for a walk, then walk all the way to my house," Emily said,

"Yeah that could work," Zach suddenly looks up, footsteps from out in the hall "ugh, guys did you hear that," and that time he couldn't keep the fear from his voice.

"Hear what," Steph responded, but from the look on everyone else's face she could tell it didn't seem like a good thing. She started to try some breathing routines to help calm her down, or used to calm her down.

All of a sudden a large men in all black opens the door, everyone scurries to the back of the room, the man didn't look like any man that they had seen before.

"What do you want from us?" Emily said in a very quivery voice,

"Well, I want you sweet Emily," he said, she could almost feel the smile growing on his face.

"What about my father?" she said, her heart beating out of her chest,

"He' out for the day, so you're all mine, he can never know," he said, at this point Emily was shaking out of her skin. At this point she wanted she didn't care what her father had done to her because that man could do worst. All she wanted was her father for the first time she had been kidnapped by him she wished with all her heart that he could be their.

He looked towards her friends and said "and if you tell, your little friend here, won't see the end of it," Emily could have sworn that he had been smiling while he had said that, almost as if he was excited.

Emily closed her eyes hoping that it was just some messed up dream, but she knew it wasn't and that it was actually happening. Even though she didn't want it to be. She looked toward the hooded man, she wanted to pull that hood off so badly that she almost did.

"Now come with me now and I won't hurt you just yet, but if you put up a fight, you can just wait and see what's in store for you," the hoodie man exclaimed.

"And what if I just don't come at all," Emily snapped back, hatred growing in the pit of her stomach.

"Then I drag you out by your hair," he said bitterly, like she was getting on his last nerve.

"Well if you're dragging her out you'll have to get past us first!" Zoey excalimed and they all formed a line in front of Emily protecting her the best they could from the hooded man. 

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