Chapter 9: Birthday!

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Y/n's POV:
Today is June 15th and it's also my birthday and I'm now 15 years old. Also Ever since the exploration video we did for Colby's YouTube Channel, Me, Sam, Corey, Colby, Jake, and Orchid have been exploring many abandoned and haunted places like, we traveled to Colorado to stay at the Stanley Hotel which is said to be really haunted and boy were they right. I never want to go there again.Then we explored Suicide Bridge, an abandoned jewelry factory, and so on. Today I am hoping to see Hayden, I miss him so much I haven't seen him in awhile, hopefully we will see each other today. I woke up to chatting coming from down stairs so I got out of bed and took a shower. I then teeth and left my hair brown and curled it and brushed it a little. I then changed into one of my new outfits Devyn bought me yesterday.

 I then changed into one of my new outfits Devyn bought me yesterday

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I then grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. "There's the birthday girl!" Colby said getting up off the couch and running over to me picking me up by my waist and spinning me around, as I hugged him. "Put me down!" I said laughing. "Happy birthday Y/n!" Everyone said as they started complimenting me on my outfit. "Thanks guys!" "Happy 15th kiddo." Colby said as he handed me a small box with wrapping paper and a pretty bow. "Dad you didn't have to get me anything." I said giving him a warm smile. "I know, but I just thought this would be a good way of showing that we are always with you." Colby said as he smiled and watched me open the gift. "Awwww! Dad I love it so much thank you!" I said as I took a necklace out of the box that had a locket on it, and I hugged Colby tightly. "Your welcome I'm glad you like it, here let me put it on you." He said as he took the necklace out of my hands and put it around my neck. I opened it and I saw a picture of all of us in it. "Awww thanks Dad I love it. I'll never take it off. This is such an amazing gift, and I will treasure it forever." I said as I hugged him tightly. "I'm glad you like it and I even gave your sister one as well." He said as he kissed my forehead and Orchid showed me her locket. I just gave her a smile and pulled her into a hug. "Awwwwww!" Everyone said cause us to tear up a little and laugh a little. Then everyone came over to us and all of us was in one big group hug. This moment was perfect. Just me and my family who I love so much. So with that being said; Devyn, Corey, Sam, Katrina, Jake, Elton, Aaron, Colby, and Orchid-I wouldn't trade them for a thing. Few minutes later we let go of the group hug and I was then pulled into the living room where there were more presents. "Guys. You didn't have to get me anything I have everything I could want and there's nothing else I could ask for. I love you guys so much." I said as I started tearing up and smiling. "Awwww come here." Kat said as she came over to me and hugged me. "We love you too Y/n, and you and Orchid have changed our lives for the better we are so thankful that you're apart of this family. Now enough with all this sappy and emotional stuff and open your other presents already before you make us cry." Kat said as she wiped a tear from her face and giggled. They all sat down on the couch and watched me open my gifts. I got gifts from everyone and boy do they give good gifts. So Aaron got me a pink apple watch, Devyn got me a make up bag full of all kinds of makeup and brushes inside, Kat got me three cute outfits: A shoulder less blue romper, black and white cropped hoodie and black and white pants, and a black and yellow cropped long sleeve shirt that has 'Cute But Psycho' written on it.

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