Chapter 24: Two beautiful creations

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-10 years later-
Narrator's POV:
Y/n, Colby, Orchid, and the rest of the roommates have moved out of the Traphouse and into separate apartments.
Colby is now 32 years old and is happily married to Andrea Russet (For all you Coldrea Stans) and they're expecting a child and Y/n and Orchid are so happy. Speaking of, Y/n is 25 years old and she is engaged to Jayden her high school sweet heart, while Orchid is 24 years old and still dating Cameron. Y/n lives with Jayden in their new home and Orchid lives with Cameron. They all still live in LA and they are closer than ever.

-5 months later in the hospital-
Colby's POV:
"Just breath baby your doing great." I said in a soothing voice as I held Andrea's hand and she scream as squeezed even tighter. "I hate you!" She yelled at me. "Why?" I asked confused then I realized why. "You did this to me!" She cried. It broke my heart to see her in so much pain but it'll all be worth it. "Ok ma'am just a few more pushes." The nurse said and Andrea screamed very loudly and I heard crying. One of the nurses carefully picked up the baby and smiled. "It's a girl." She said and tears began to form in my eyes. She cut the cord on the baby's stomach (I don't know what it's called) and cleaned her up and wrapped her in a blanket and put her in a clear box that had a blanket in it. Andrea started screaming again. What how can she be in more pain? The nurse came over and had a surprised look on her face. "She's not done, we've got another!" She said. Twins?! Andrea screamed again and squeezed my hand harder. "I can see the head, just one more big push!" The nurse said and Andrea screamed loudly again and I heard more crying. The nurse carefully picked up the baby and smiled again. "It's also a girl." She said as she cut the cord and cleaned him up and wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to Andrea and she picked up my baby girl and handed her to me. "You did good baby their so beautiful." I said as I turned to her and softly kissed her lips. "What should we name them?" I asked looking at both of my baby girls and smiling. "Ok how about we name this baby Jessica, Jessica Brock?" I asked looking down at the baby in my arms. "It's perfect." She said as she smiled. "How about we name this one Julie?" She asked looking down at the baby in her arms and smiling. "Julie. I love it." I said. "I love you so much." She said as she smiled at me as tears fell down her cheeks. "I love you too, so so much." I said and kissed her passionately. "Want me to send them in?" The nurse asked. "Yes please." I said as I smiled at her. She nodded and left out of the room. Not long after everyone came in with balloons and presents and they cooed at the babies. "Their so adorable, you did amazing Andrea." Kat said as she came over to Andrea's side and kissed her cheek. "Thank you." After Everyone made comments about how cute the babies were Y/n and Orchid slowly came over to us smiling with tears in their eyes. "Can we hold them?" "Y/n asked. "Of course you can." Andrea said as she handed Julie to Orchid and I handed Jessica to Y/n. What are their names?" Orchid asked as she cooed at Julie . "Jessica And Julie Brock." I answered and smiled. "They're so tiny, adorable." Y/n cooed. After a few hours every one placed their gifts beside Andrea's bed and they all went home, except for Y/n and Orchid. God has blessed me with a beautiful family and I am so thankful. Andrea, Y/n, Orchid, and the babies were asleep but I stayed up. I just looked at them all in awe. How the hell did I get so lucky?

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