Chapter 18: Mafia game

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A/N: The people participating in the game are Jake, Tara, Y/n, Orchid, Colby, Corey, Kat, and Sam who is the narrator of the game and they will have different roles in the game than they do in the video above so just pretend you and Orchid and the other people I mentioned are in the video sorry if that sounds confusing.
Sam's POV:
I call my roommates downstairs and I call Tara and Kat and tell them to come over but they don't know we are going to play a game.
-Time skip-
Everyone's in the living room and I set up my camera and press record and start the video. "What's up guys! I'm here with a million people as you can see and we are gonna be playing Mafia- then Corey shouts, "MAFIA!" Then everyone else starts talking, then I continue. "So if you don't know how to play Mafia I will be explaining that to you in a second, it's pretty easy, we gonna be passing out a bunch of cards and there's one Mafia killer, there's a cop who tries to find the Mafia killer, the nurse can save anyone from the killer, and everyone else you is a civilian and I am going to be the narrator." Corey then said, "Give it up for the narrator." Then everyone started clapping and Corey said, "Only two claps." Then Everyone did two claps. Then I stopped the video and told everyone to wait on the couch while I went upstairs to explain the rules of Mafia.
Y/n's POV:
After Sam went up stairs everyone started talking or going on their phones. Orchid started talking to Cameron on the phone and they were having a lovey dovey conversation, I remember when me and Hayden used to do that, I kinda miss him. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone dinged. I got a text from Jayden.
Jayden-J and Y/n-M
M-hey jay wyd
J-nothing much wbu
M-about to play a game called Mafia with my family
J-sounds fun me and my family never do stuff like that
M-how come
J-They work a lot and they don't really have time for me, my little sister, nor my little brother so I basically take care of us
M- I'm so sorry you have to go through that have u told them how u feel about it
J-No bc they never listen to us ever
M-Well I'm always hear if you need someone to listen and I'd like to help you babysit your brother and sister some time so you don't have to do it alone all the time
M-Of course
J-Thanks Y/n your the only person who's really there for me
M-What about Gabe, Jackson, and Hayden
J-We aren't really that close and Hayden stopped talking to me ever since he heard about that make out sesh me and you had the other night
M-Y would he care
J-Bc he's still in love with u
M-O I never knew that
J-Yea but enough about that, could you ft after
M-Of course
J-Thanks best fran😊
M-ur welcome best fran😂

After I finished texting Jay, Sammy came back downstairs with the camera and everyone put their phones away and he set up again and continue the video. He handed everyone a card and they got look at their card but they couldn't tell anyone who they were and I'm the Mafia but no one needs to know that hehe. Then Sammy tells everyone to close their eyes and begins narrating the story. During the story Sam asks the Joker,Mafia aka me, to open their eyes and choose who you want to kill and I point to Colby and Colby says, "Whoever opened their eyes I knew it" and Corey says I knew you were the Mafia with his eyes still close. Then Sam tells the Mafia to close their eyes and I do so. Then he asks the King, the cop, to open their eyes.
Jake's POV:
I open my eyes and Sam the cop to choose who you want to arrest and I point to Tara and I close my eyes again and he then asks the nurse to open their eyes.

Tara's POV:
I open my eyes and Sam says choose who you want to save and I point to Colby and close my eyes again. After the story ended everyone opened their eyes and I ended up getting arrested and Colby ended up dying Then we had to stand off to the side while the game continued.
-Time skip end of game-
Sam's POV:
Y/n, the Mafia managed to kill everybody off so she won and everyone was shocked that she was the Mafia and they all talked and laughed about how fun the game was. I then did my outro and making sure to mention that everyone's social media's would be in the description below and I ended the video. Jake and Corey wet to the game room and played Rocket League, Y/N FaceTimed Jayden and Orchid texted her boyfriend, Kat and Tara went out, and Colby and I went upstairs to edit my video.

Hope you enjoyed and I'm still thinking of ideas for this story so please bare with me and feel free to message me your ideas and thoughts on how I can make the story better. Love you guys peace!✌❤

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