1 × Found You - Glenn Rhee

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(A/N - Glenn and Maggie are not married, or in any kind of romantic relationship, when I write about him)

You were at the prison, surviving peacefully, until the governor showed up, and destroyed all hope. You get separated from everyone, and are left to survive alone. The only question running through your mind is: Will you ever see Glenn again?

Word Count - 950

The governor was at the prison. You didn't know until everyone had already either escaped, or died.

You were sleeping. You didn't know how you didn't hear the explosions or gunshots. But all you knew right now, was that the walkers definitely heard it. You were able to escape, you had to kill a lot of walkers, but you still escaped.

You had hoped Glenn was safe, but you were out there alone for about three weeks, and never found him. You tried to keep count of the days, but you finally gave up on the twenty-fourth day.

You and Glenn had become boyfriend and girlfriend when you found the prison. He told you about his feelings for you, not wanting to hide them any longer. You immediately accepted them, not telling him that you had been hiding your feelings since back at Atlanta, when he found you in the small pharmacy looking for bandages.

You stopped thinking about it when tears started to form at your eyes. Your heart was aching, but you wouldn't let that stop your focus. You had to stay focused at all times. If you didn't, something might come up behind you without warning.

You suddenly noticed that two people were walking far ahead of you. You could tell they weren't walkers because they were walking normally. When you got closer you recognized one of them.

It's Daryl!

You quickly broke into a sprint and ran towards him. He turned towards you holding up his crossbow, but when he saw your face he dropped the weapon and pulled you into a tight hug.

"Where have you been? Glenn and I were looking everywhere for ya!" He yelled still hugging you. You smiled. Daryl was one of your best friends, he was almost like a brother to you.

"I'm sorry. I looked everywhere for you guys, every day. I could never find you." You sniffled. The tears haven't left your eyes, yet.

"It's okay. You're her now. Come on, let's go back. I'm sure Glenn would be happy to see ya after almost a year."

Has it really been that long?


You were walking with Daryl and Aaron-- the man you just met, who was with Daryl when you found him. They told you about where they were living. Alexandria. It sounded nice. You couldn't wait to get there, and finally see Glenn again.

A large gate was opened. Rick stood beside it and was about to say something to Daryl when he saw you in the back. "(Y/N)..?" You pushed past Aaron and Daryl, and went to hug Rick. "Hey." You said smiling. When you pulled away he told you Glenn was on a run, and would probably be back soon. "Well, I guess I'll just surprise him when he gets back. Can I talk to everyone else after?"

He nodded and walked you to the small house Glenn stayed in. He told you that he had been more distant lately, and that he was really upset that they couldn't find you. You smiled sadly. That didn't sound like Glenn. "I offered to let him stay with me but he refused. He said he wanted be alone. So we let him stay in one of the smaller houses."

The door was already unlocked. You turned to Rick. "Please don't tell him I'm here, just act like you normally do. I want to surprise him." You said smiling.

He nodded and shut the door for you. You walked deeper into the house. Everything seemed clean and unused. When you walked into the bedroom the bed was unmade and the curtains were completely shut over the window, making the room darker.

You laid on the bed, the scent of Glenn's shampoo engulfing you. You remembered he would always grab that same shampoo for you every time he went on a run. You thought the scent was too strong, but you never complained, happy that he was thinking of you in the first place.

You closed your eyes, snuggling your head further into the soft pillow. After maybe a few minutes, you heard the front door open. Your heart started pounding with anticipation. You heard footsteps getting closer to the bedroom door. They stopped when you got up, the bed creaking.

"Who's there?" It was Glenn's voice. You haven't heard his voice in so long that it made your heart ache. The door opened slowly. When you saw him, the tears you had been trying to hold in all this time, quickly fell down your face. You ran the short distance that was left between the two of you and jumped into his arms almost knocking him over. He held you tightly. You could feel him shaking too.

"T-this isn't a dream is it? Please tell me I'm not imagining this.." He mumbled into your ear.

"I'm real. I'm alive.." You said, pulling away to look at his face. He was crying too. "I love you, Glenn".

He sighed in relief and pulled your face towards his placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "I love you too, (Y/N).. I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too. But I'm here now. I found you." You said placing your lips against his again.

(A/N - Leave requests please! 💕)

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