You Started to Like Him

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-Time Passed-

When it got dark, you and joseph walked together when you got to your house. Then, you offer him for a refreshment. y/n: "hey joseph, do you want anything. i can get you water, coffee, tea or something stronger like that."

Your words cut off by joseph, he puts his right hand on the door and leans close to you.

"And what do you get?" "Something dense and red?" "Tell me y/n, how do you stay so calm?"

Joseph raises his arm slowly and puts his hand on your chin.

"Tell me y/n, what if i tell you that i know your secret." "Down a notch child, you are not the only one that discovered some secret..." "At firsts I only supposed, but now that I stayed with you these days I understood..." "what are you hiding... you don't smell like other humans you have a strage smell, and that double head coin.." "You are a... Demon." "Well, you really got me..." "But why don't we talk about a real secret??"

Joseph slams you behind the door and he puts his face very close to you and starts whispering in your ear. you blushed like crazy at him.

"like yours." "You know, I've been learning a lot about you." "I found some papers relating to your story. I found them very fascinating." "when you still belonged to the order... That night, someone you knew, betrayed you. So deep was his hatred towards you for hindering him, that he cast his black magic against you. And so, you became a monster, like the ones you used to hunt so tirelessly... and your order saw their chance to get rid of you. They managed to lock you up and put you into a state of physical death... Now your souls is here, but it can still brought back to life." "Have I been... accurate?"

Joseph's face was very close to you, he had gray eyes and looked at you. then, you start talking back to him.

y/n: "Highly Accurate... are you thinking to blackmail me?"

"well, i was going to but i rather not
y/n." I must be going now, i'll see you in the morning."

Joseph winks at you with his eye and took out the keys out of his pocket and he unlocks his car and gets in his car and drove away.

y/n: "i need to get some sleep now."

You opened your door and walked inside your house, then you went inside in your room and climbed on your bed and went to bed.

Brawlhalla x Reader (Joseph Cross)Where stories live. Discover now