He kidnaps you

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Hello everyone, sorry for the long wait. sooo, here is the new story that i update it :D enjoy ♡

It was 9:00 am in the brawlhalla hub, you were still in your bed. joseph was still sleeping right next to you. he was resting peacefully, so you got out of your bed and went into the restroom.

You looked at yourself into the mirror, your hair was messy and you have time to comb it nice. you combed your hair to look nice and fluffy.

Time passed

Your hair was nice and combed, then you started to brush your teeth to make your mouth fresh. After you finished brushing your teeth, you went back to your room to get your phone and it was fully charged.

you went downstairs to watch some cartoons, you sat down on the couch to relax for little bit. you grabbed the remote for the tv and turned it on to catch your favorite tv shows. There was a slight pause on you, you hear footsteps coming down stairs and  Joseph showed up down stairs.

"Morning darling."

(y/n): "morning to you too Joseph, did you sleep good."

"Yes, I did sleep good, how about you."

(y/n): "i did sleep good. It was nice."

"Glad you sleep good dear. also, did you like the one from last night my love."

(y/n): "the one from last night."

"Yes dear, did you liked it."

(y/n): "uhh yea, i liked it heh."

"Love to hear it my dear, so what are you watching."

(y/n): "i am watching some tv shows wanna come and watch it with me."

"no thanks darling but i wanted to do something else with you, soo uhmm. just stay right there okay."

(y/n): "ok."

Joseph ran upstairs and getting something from in your room, he grabbed a white cloth and puts chloroform on the white cloth. then, he manically chuckles himself.

"Hahaha, this will make (y/n) to go to sleep."

Joseph quickly walked downstairs and gets behind the wall so he can sneak up behind you. you called Joseph what he was doing.

(y/n): "Joseph, what are you doing."

"Nothing darling, just keep watching your cartoons."

Joseph sneaks up behind you really carefully and pulls out the white towel and he grabs you and puts the clorophorm in your mouth so you can die peacefully.

(y/n): "mmphhhmphhh."

"Shhh, darling. die like you mean it."

you closed your eyes and died in front of Joseph. he grabs his keys from the table and unlocks the door, he opens the door and picks you up in a bridal style. he walks into his black car and opens the car door when he puts you in the back of the car.

Cross closed the front door behind him and locked the door with his keys. he drove somewhere at a castle and stopped there. he gets out of his car and closed the door car. he walked backed to the car door and opened, he grabs you still in a bridal style. Joseph walked into the castle and walked inside. He took you down stairs to the castle and there was a light bulb hanging on the ceiling and a chair too.

He sets you down on the chair and tied you up with a rope, cross went upstairs to put water on a plastic bowl. after he puts the water on the plastic bowl, he went back down stairs and he splashed you on your face to wake you up.

(y/n): "wh-where am i."

"my darling, welcome to my torture chamber."

You gasped until you tried to move your whole body.

(y/n): "nrghh, get me out of here."

you tried move your whole arms and body too, Joseph won't let you escape until he makes a small talk while your in the torture room.

"tsk tsk tsk, look at you. trying to escape away from me my darling dear. i know what i want from you my love."

(y/n): "wh-what!"

you were scared stiff that joseph was going to do the same thing from last night, now that he is already starting it to you.

"My sweet darling, i want you to be mine forever. i want to make love with you that starts now."

Joseph walks closer to and sat on your lap, you blushed crazy at him. he starts to kiss your neck and you moaned softly until cross whispered in your ear.

"darling, i'm so hard right now and i want to take your clothes off. i will take mines off too."

Joseph took off his black and white stripe hat, his white tie, red shirt, dark gray jeans, shoes and he takes off his boxers off too.

You look at joseph's big member and it was twitching a little bit and you kept looking at it, you were his now.

"See what you like my dear."

Your face was really red that you were blushing hard on cross.

"let me take your pants off darling.

cross takes off your pants and pulls it down and sees your underwear.

"are you wearing your underwear my darling."

(y/n): "y-yes."

"let me take that off too."

cross took your underwear off and he enters his big member inside of you until cross thrusts you slowly and faster.

(y/n): "aahh, f**k."

cross continued thrusting his member faster and faster. cross took out his member and c*mmed inside of your woman hood. you panting in and out until cross puts his clothes back on.

he puts back on his boxers, socks, shoes, dark gray jeans, red shirt, white tie and his black and white stripe hat.

"did you enjoyed it dear."

(y/n): "y-yes."

"That's my girl. you'll learn to love me"

Cross walks upstairs to the castle and left you alone in the torture room.

Brawlhalla x Reader (Joseph Cross)Where stories live. Discover now