Hanging out with others

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Omg, i have to update this book and my nose is feeling better sooo yeah. Let's get started with this :)

The time hits 2 pm, you started to walk out the door and closed it behind you.  You start to go hang with sentinel and his friends too, your phone buzzed two times from your front pocket and it was an incoming message from sentinel.

Sentinel: hey y/n, where are you. I'm at the cafeteria table, do you see me.

Y/n: no, i can't see you my friend.

Sentinel: do you want me to come pick you up y/n. :)

Y/n: yes my friend.

Sentinel: alright, stay right there and i will come to pick you up.

Y/n: okay, see you there my friend.

End of text

You walked a bit and sit on the bench while your friend sentinel comes to pick you up.

Time passed

Sentinel was driving his car and came to a stop to get you.

You opened the car door and sit up front of the car to say hi with your friend sentinel.

Sentinel: "hey y/n, what's up.

Y/n: "hey sentinel, my friend.

You gave a high five and a fist bump with sentinel and he asks that you are ready to go hang with his friends at the cafeteria table.

Sentinel: "you ready to go y/n.

Y/n: "yes i am ready my friend but i have to put my seatbelt on first.

You strap the seatbelt on to make sure that the seatbelt is strapped safely. Sentinel put his seatbelt on too.

Sentinel: "alright, let's go."

Sentinel starts his car and drove away. Sentinel wants to make a good conversation with you while he is driving his car.

Sentinel: "so, how is your day y/n."

Y/n: "my day is fine sentinel, thanks for asking."

You put your both hands on your eyes making an oh my god sigh.

Sentinel: "whats wrong y/n."

Y/n: "i, its my bf cross."

Sentinel: "what about him y/n"

Y/n: "h-he pinned me on the wall and he had this smirk on his lips on me and turned me around facing against the wall at me."

Sentinel: "gosh, what else did he did to you."

Y/n: "well, he puts his face close to me and started to pleasure me on my neck.

Sentinel: "really, he did that to you."

Y/n: "yes he did that to me."

Brawlhalla x Reader (Joseph Cross)Where stories live. Discover now