He starts to make out with you (Smut)

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Hiya everyone, sorry for the long wait sooo, this story has a smut in it. xD alright, enough chit chat. Let's get this story begin ♡ :D

Thanks to Artemis, who open the portal for you to get your house quickly.

the portal closes behind you, you grabbed your keys from your front pocket. then, you unlocked the door until cross sees you coming home when you we're done hanging out with your friends.

"hello my dear."

(y/n): "uhh, hey cross."

you closed your door behind you, you put the keys down on the table next the lamp post.

cross was looking at you, then he brought his hand on your waist.

(y/n): "cross, i think it's not the best time for us."

"Relax darling, i want you to be safe with me and i know what i want."

(y/n): "what."

"This, my dear."

Cross starts to kiss you on your neck, you moaned quietly. cross slipped his both hands on your back, until you stopped.

(y/n): "Cross, let's go in my room."

"alright darling, let's go in your room."

You and cross went upstairs to your room.


You and cross got inside in your room, cross locked the door in your room so no one can come inside.

"Ready darling."

(y/n): "y-yes."

Cross takes off his red shirt, white tie, pants and his shoes too.

When cross was done taking his clothes off, you could see his big member tightening on his boxers. You blush like crazy, until cross says something to you.

"like what you see darling."

You kept looking at his boxers, then. cross came up to you and took your clothes off too.

sometimes later

your clothes was all off, cross picks you up in a bridal style and sets you down softly. he came on top of you and started kissing on your lips softly. he moved his lips to your neck, you moaned. cross was needy that you were enjoying it.

he moved his hands on your lower stomach, then he feels under something warm that you were wearing.

"are you wearing your underwear dear."

(y/n): "y-yes."

"let me take it off for you darling."

Cross took your underwear off and he took his boxers off too, until you see his big member was hard.

"aahh, darling. I am very hard, can you please help me to stroke it for me."

You can hear cross that he wants to help to stroke his big member.

"c'mon, darling. i don't bite."

(y/n): "o-ohh, ok."

You stroked cross's big member, he starts to like it when he spoke up.

"aahh, it feels so good my dear. now, I want to make you mine."

Cross comes on top of you, you blushed hard on him. he puts his member inside you until you gasped.

(y/n): "ahh, f**k."

"do you want me to go deeper dear."

(y/n): "y y-yess."

"alright my dear, you are going to enjoy it."

Cross puts his member deeper inside you, then he thrusts you slowly and faster.

(y/n): "aaahh, i- i'm about to c*m."

"aahhh, me too darling!!!"

You and cross were having fun on the bed, then cross took his member out and c*mmed out of your woman hood.

Cross enjoyed it and he gave you a kiss on your forehead.

"I Love you (y/n)"

(y/n): "i love you too joseph."

You and cross loved each other, you look at the digital clock and it hits 12 am.

(y/n): "crap, it's getting late. we should go to sleep now."

"Alright darling, let's go to sleep. but we have to put our pajamas on first."

You and cross got up quickly, going through in the cabinets until you found your pj's.


you put your best pj's on and it has a cute bunny shirt. Cross looked at you while he puts his pajamas on. it was a black pajamas.

"nice pj's my dear."

(y/n): "thanks joseph, I like your pajamas. it looks nice on you."

"thanks dear, i like it too. let's go to sleep."

You and cross got your pajamas on and you went to sleep with him.

cross gave you a good night kiss on your cheek.

"good night darling."

(y/n): "good night joseph."

You and cross went to bed with your eyes closed, you were happy with cross. he loved you very much and takes good care of you.

Brawlhalla x Reader (Joseph Cross)Where stories live. Discover now