you got tortured and you escaped from the castle

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what's up everyone, long time no see. i didn't get to update this sooo, in this story. You were getting tortured in the torture room with cross. Enjoy. :)

you were still in the basement inside of the castle in Valhalla, you had black pants on and no shirt on. You were still tied up with a rope that cross did that to you. Your head was facing down towards your foot, then all of sudden. You hear foot steps coming down in the basement.

(y/n): "h- hello is anyone there."

footsteps became louder and louder, then you look on your left and it was your friend sentinel that you hang out with.

Sentinel: "hey, it's me. I'm here to get you out of here."

(Y/n): "You here to get me out of here my friend."

Sentinel: "yes, let me untie this rope for you."

You smiled happily at sentinel when he untied you the rope, then all of sudden. Joseph sneaks up on sentinel and he pulls out of the clorophorm out of his back pocket and grabs sentinel's shoulder on his right hand and the clorophorm on his mouth so sentinel can die.

Joseph Cross: "shhh, die peacefully sentinel."

You watched sentinel that he could die peacefully. The clorophorm was still in sentinel's mouth, then he died peacefully.

(y/n): "nnnnoooooooo. Why did you killed my best friend sentinel. How could you joseph."

Joseph had a big smirk on his face that he killed your best friend sentinel.

Joseph: "why did I killed your bestfriend that you always hanging out with him! Because, I want you in my life but now, I am going to torture you to death and you are coming with me.

Joseph picks you up with his both hands and drops his right hand and puts his left hand on your back. Then he walked towards an exit from the basement, he closed the basement behind him. Joseph walked towards to a torture room and enters and there was a random device that you can get killed with the device. Orion was in the torture room too, he was standing next to the device. Joseph puts you down and unties the rope.

Joseph Cross: "Kill her."

Orion hits you on the back of the neck and you died on the floor. Orion, picks you up while you are dead and puts you on the device so you can be killed. He puts your left hand on the device and your right hand there. He closed the torture thing on your wrist.

Orion pressed the button so he can see you.

The device was going up just a little then it stopped. Orion starts to talk with you.

Orion: "so, you ready for the torture."

You gave an angry look at orion, then you snarled at him.

(y/n): "No, I am not ready for the frickin torture."
Orion: "oh, is that so (y/n). well, if you keep talking like that. I will press the fricking button."

You looked at Orion that he raised the button just a little higher.

(y/n): "you piece of crap." 

orion: "that's it, I will kill you for this one."

Orion pressed the button.

(y/n): "aahhhhh."

you were breathing in and out when Orion stopped pressing the button.

Orion: "had enough yet (y/n)."

(y/n): "nope."

Orion: "I don't believe you (y/n)."

(y/n): "aaghhhhhh."

(y/n): "hrggh, hrggh. You monster."

Orion: "hahah, this is why I always kill you with this thing. Wait, I got to do something. Stay right here, don't even think about escaping. I'll be right back."

Orion goes out into the door and closes him behind him, then you hear footsteps coming through the door.

(y/n): "wh-who's there."

Footsteps became more louder than ever, then you see who opened the door. It was the masked man, Caspian The Theif.

Caspian: "hey, I'm here to free you out. We gotta hurry, I don't want orion to see you again. Let's escape."

Caspian unlocked the thing from your both wrists and legs too, he grabbed your right arm to lift you up.

Caspian The Thief: "go get your shirt on, black pants and shoes on too."

You got out of the torture thing and went to get your shirt back on, black pants on and shoes on too.

Caspian: "alright, lets get out of here."

You and caspian ran out of the torture room and out to the brawlhalla hub, you kept running with caspian and when you got into a safe area with Caspian, Kor, koji, bödvar and jiro.

(y/n): "phew, we made into the safe room. thanks Caspian for freeing me in the torture room."

Caspian: "your welcome (y/n), hey. wanna go somewhere to eat with my friends."

(y/n): "sure, I'd love too."

Caspian: "okay, let's go."

You went to a food restaurant with caspian and his friends, you had good time in there with Caspian's friend and by that you were enjoying it and had a good laugh when you are telling jokes and stories.

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