He becomes obsessed with you

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The sun rises hit 9:45 AM, You didn't want to get up because you were too lazy to get up in the morning.

y/n: "ughh, i don't want to get up."

You herd your phone buzzed next to you, it was a text message from joseph. So you grabbed your phone and checked the message from joseph.

Joseph:  hey, did you that i am coming to your house today at 10. ;)

Y/n:  yea, why.

Joseph:  because i am gonna do bad stuff to you >:)

Y/n: alright, you can come to my place

Joseph:  okay, see you there my love ;)

End of text

You looked at the clock and you jumped off the bed, so you started to take a quick shower before cross comes at your place.

You took off your clothes and jumped in the shower to smell nice, after you finished showering.

You got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around your waist and dried your hair.

when you got out of the bathroom,
You started went in your room very quick. Starting to get dressed on your casual clothes while putting it on.

Sometimes later

You have your casual clothes on and you smelled nice when you got out of shower, the clock struck 10 AM. You hear a knock on the door to see who it is. you look on your peephole door and it was cross.

"Darling it's me, could you let me in please."

Y/n: "ok... i guess."

You opened the door and cross was standing outside in front of your door.

"Hello my love, how was your morning."

Cross walked inside your place and took his shoes off and his hat too, he put his hat on top of the table next to the lamp post. You closed your door and locked it, so nobody can come in.

Y/n: "my day was fine and i took a shower to smell fresh and clean. also, do you want anything."

"i would like to have some water my love."

Y/n: "ok, i'll bring it to you, go and have a seat on the couch cross."

You went into the kitchen to get a water bottle for cross, when you came back from the kitchen. You gave the water to cross.

"Thanks darling, i appreciate it."

Y/n: "your welcome cross, so what do you want to do."

He took a sip of his water and gets up out of the couch.

"hmm, i wanted to do this to you."

Cross pinned you on the wall and grabbed your both hands in the back of them.

You blushed what he was doing.

Y/n: "c - cross, what are you doing to me."

"This, my darling dear. i haven't done this for a long time."

Cross has a smirk on his lips and started to kiss you on your neck.

Y/n: "nghh."

"Are you having fun darling, because i am."

You and cross are having so much fun, until you hear another knock at the door.

Cross sighed, then he said something to you.

"Darling, i have to deal with you later."

Y/n: "ok."

Cross unlocks the door and opened the door when another person came up in front of the house.

"Excuse me, who the fuck are you?"

A man who was wearing a black shirt, dark gray pants and shoes.

"Hello, sorry for bothering you. My name is tom. What's your's.

"Joseph Cross."

"It is nice to meet you cross, and uhmm. who is that in the back of you."

"That's my girlfriend y/n."

"Its been a pleasure to meet you tom, would you like to come in or not because i'm about to shut the door in front of you."

"No don't shut the door, i have something important for you cross."

"What is it then."

"Here, take a look at this."

"The hell is this."

"It's an envelope because there's money inside it." Open it."

Cross opened the envelope and there was 50 bucks inside of the envelope.

"Oh, how lucky i am. great, thanks tom."

"My pleasure cross, well. i better get going, cya cross."


Cross slams the door and locks it.

"What's up with this guy."

Y/n: "i am not sure cross."

You look at the clock that says 1:55 pm. You realized that you have to go to hang out with sentinel and his other friends too. You asked cross to let you go to hang with sentinel.

Y/n: "cross, can i go hang with my friend sentinel and the others."

"Yes you can y/n."

Y/n: "thank you cross, your the best."

You put your shoes on and grabbed your phone that it was up on one hundred percent. you took out the charger out and put your phone on your pocket.

Y/n: "bye cross, i'll see you when i get back."

"Ok darling, remember. You need to be back at 5 pm, got that."

Y/n: "ok, i will remember it. cya later."

You waved good bye to cross and went outside to go hang out with sentinel and his friends.

Brawlhalla x Reader (Joseph Cross)Where stories live. Discover now