Why can't it be like that

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I go to the cafeteria, and sit with the guys. I don't have girl friends, maybe because their jealous that I'm friends with gray.

K:"hey dumbasses longtime no see"
Nat:"hey, thought you would be with the couple"
K:" you know I can't stand that bitch"
Nat:"we all can't"

Nathan mostly flirts with me, but it's fun to have that.

J: "am I the only one that ships them"
K:"shut up"
I punch him in the stomach

Jace the schools hot jock, I mean he's good looking but never would date him.

Nic:"I don't see it"
K:"of what"
Nic: "you and G"

And then there's Nick my crush, you can call it, I liked him sense 6th grade, but I know he doesn't like me.

K: "well, the bitch called gray, gray"
Nat: "you were about to cut a bitch huh?"
K: "I was going to get a real katana and beat her ass"

They all started laughing

J: "we all know you would win"
K: "true"
Nic: "remember party at my house tomorrow"
J: "I'm so glad it's going to be Friday tomorrow"
Nat: "I know"
K: "I wish this day can go faster"
Nic: "same"

(Bell rings)

K: "well bye guys got to go do math now"
Nat: "have fun with hell"
K: "I will"

I start to walk to my math class. yay math, I really hate that class. Like we're in the hell am I going to see a triangle in my life. NO WERE.

I get in class, and see gray he looked happy if you know what I mean.

K: "well it looks like you got sum"
G: "no we were just kissing"
K: "yea you were kissing alright"

I said sarcastically

G: "so, ready for hell?"
K: "I guess"
Teacher: "ok class, get out your notes and go to the next blank page"
K: "this is going to be a long class"

I whisper to gray

G: "it's always is"

I start to laugh

Teacher: "is there a problem Ms. Kacie?"
K: "no, there's no problem!"
Teacher: "well class, we're going to know how to do statistics"
K: "great"

I whisper to gray, he starts laughing.

Teacher: "Mr. Grayson is there a problem"
G: "no miss"
Teacher: "one more laugh out of you two and you guys are going to the office"
K,G: "yes mam"

It was pretty much boring, look numbers, and decimals equals another number. We kind of know this already from last year why do we have to do this again.

(Bell rings)

I'm really not paying attention today.

G: "you were in your thoughts again?"
K: "yea"
G: "what were you thinking about"
K: "nothing really, just thinking about the party"
G: " you think your going to get some"
K: "shut up"

I punch him in the stomach

G: "hey!?"
K: "and what are you going to do about it?"

He starts to chase me. I start to run to the girls locker room sense we have PE together.

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