Why can't I say that I'm in love?

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My loud ass alarm goes off.

Mom: "honey your going to be late for school"

She yells out from downstairs

K: "I'll be there in a minute"

I unplug my phone, and head to the bathroom. I look in the mirror seeing my eye swelled up to a point I couldn't see. I do my business and go to my room to get ready for school. I get a black hoodie so It can be easier to hide my eye. I get some jeans, and some converse. I get my backpack, my phone, and head downstairs.

K: "hey mom can you drive me to school I can't really see?"
Mom: "of course. Got your stuff?"
K: "yea"

We get into the car, and start to drive to school. we arrived at my school and I open the door.

Mom: "honey?"

I look at her

Mom: "be careful"
K: "I will mom"

I say putting the hood on. I close the door, and put my backpack on. I look down and cover my face with my hair. I go to my locker, and put my stuff in there. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. For a moment I was calm, then I hear my locker close hard. I look at who it was, and it was katana.

Kat: "you look like hell"

She laughs

I roll my eyes, and walk away in silence. She follows my foot steps.

Kat: "umm I'm not done"

She yanks my hood off. I see people look at me, and laugh at me.

K: "just stop ok"

I yell out

K: "I'm done with your bullshit. all of it."
Kat: "don't rase your voice with me?"
K: "well your not my mom soo"

gray comes from the back of katana.

G: "what's going on?"
Kat: "she just kept yelling at me and pointing at her eye saying I gave her that black eye"

She says sounding innocent

K: "you bitch!"

I yell out lunging at her

G: "whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Let's not get into a fight?"

He quickly goes into the middle of us.

Kat: "I was just scared gray"

He looks looks at me.

G: "how could you?"
K: "fuck you."

I whisper to him

I walk away.

G: "fuck you?"

He yells out confused

I walk back to him

K: "WHY?"
G: "why what?"
K: "why do you love her?"

I stand right in front of him.

G: "she's there for me even at my lowest point."
K: "oh, so she was there for you for what then"
G: "like when we have are fights like this she's there for me"
K: "yea to fuck"
G: "don't say that about her."
K: "I was there for you when you were crying alone, I was there for you when you had bruises everywhere"
G: "yea but-"
K: "I was there when your dad left"

He paused

K: "and your just going to pick her instead"

I get closer to him

K: "I was there for you when you felt like hell"

I walk away

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