Oh, why can't you hold me in the street?

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                            Grayson's POV

I see her walk away. I want to go after her, but my body won't let me do it. She likes me, but I don't know if I like her. I mean I do but katana. we talked and we were all good. I'm just confused if I like katana or Kacie? I just don't want to lose my best friend.

I go inside the gym and look at katana.

I wave at her

Kat: "hey"
G: "hey"

I say sadly

Kat: "what's wrong?"
G: "nothing"

I shake my head

Kat: "what were you guys talking about"
G: "just stuff. Nothing much"
Kat: "that was something?"

She says rudely

G: "let's just dance please"
Kat: "ok?"

She says confused

I grab her hand and we go to the dance floor. I put my hands on the back of her waist, and she puts her hands on my shoulders.

I look into her eyes, and kiss her. There was no spark. No fireworks with her anymore. No nothing.

A tear comes down my cheek. Wait why am I crying.

Kat: "why are you crying honey"
G: "I just love you. You know that"
Kat: "I know"
G: "I'm sorry"
Kat: "for what"
G: "for everything"
Kat: "what do you mean"
G: "not giving you what you need. I wasn't a good boyfriend to you"
Kat: "so what.  we have bumps in the road here and there but we always get threw it"
G: "I am a bad boyfriend"
Kat: "no you are not"
G: "I am"
Kat: "no you are not your perfect for me"

I can't lie to her. I can't anymore

G: "when we were at nicks party. I got drunk and I slept with Kacie"

I cry even more. I don't care if people see me or not.

Kat: "well I'm sorry too"
G: "your not mad"
Kat: "no cause at the party I got drunk and I slept with someone too"
G: "who?"
Kat: "please tell me you won't get mad"
G: "I'll try"

I take a deep breath

Kat: "it was nick"
G: "what?"

I paused,and step back

I look over nick and he looks disappointed in himself.

Kat: "please look at me"

She starts to cry

Kat: "please, I'm sorry"
G: "it's ok"

I look at her

G: "we both made a mistake on that day. It's in the past, and it's going to stay in the past"

I smile

I kiss her

What's my brain doing to me? I think I like Kacie but I love katana.

Or both

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