I wanna shout it from the rooftops

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The bell rings for school to be out. I couldn't leave school because I had no car. School is hell for me and can't wait till college. I wait for my mom to pick me up.

Nic: "hey you ok?"

I turn around to face him

K: "yea I guess?"
Nic: "I heard what happened in the morning. Is it true?"
K: "of what?"
Nic: "that G's dad abused him"
K: "I thought you knew"
Nic: "no? I always thought that his dad was out of the pictures"
K: "oh!?"
Nic: "how did you know?"
K: "when we were ten, Gray was in his room crying. I went in and seen he had bruises all over. He was hurt, and alone. He was curled up in a ball like he was almost trying to hide from him. I hugged him, and telling him it's going to be ok. He hugged me back and he said never leave me."
Nic: "he's still the same guy"
K: "I don't know if he is"
Nic: "what do you mean?"

I cry and look away in embarrassment

Nic: "Kacie?"

I look at him

Nic: "did he give you that"

He points to my black eye

I nod my head slowly. He hugs me.

Nic: "everything will be alright"
K: "just do me a favor?"

He looks at me

K: "don't kill him"

We both laugh

Nic: "even with that black eye you're still pretty"

He just called me pretty?

He looks into my eyes. He gets closer to me. We're inches away. I can feel his warmth of his lips close mine.

K: "kiss me"

And then he did. Wow never knew I would kiss my ex-crush. It feels so right with him. This feels right.

We break the kiss.

Nic: "I really like you"

He says out of breath

K: "I like you too"

We start laughing

My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I look to who it was, and seen who it was my mom.

K: "I got to go"

I say walking as fast as I could

K: "call me?"
Nic: "yea. I'll definitely will"

We both laugh

I walk to my moms car

K: "hey mom!"

I say with a smile on my face

Mom: "someone's happy"
K: "I am"

I say while blushing

Mom: "so glad you had a great day at school"
K: "wasn't all great. Mostly out of school, but did really make my day though"

I say still smiling

Mom: "as long as your happy"

She holds my hand

Mom: "that's all that matters"

She looks at the road

Wow I had a hellish day to a good ass day were I might get a new boyfriend. Wait new?

I think of nick the whole car ride home.

Mom: "oh we need to get the mail"

She drives to the mail box, and gives me the keys. I get out of the door, and put the key into the slot. I open it to see mail in there like usual. I grab the mail and close the door. I go in the car, and we start to drive home witch was five steps of walking distance to my house.

We get out of the car and into the house. I look at the mail to see any letters for me, and there was one called UCLA on it. My eyes widen. I quickly go upstairs to my room. I close the door, and sit on my bed. I look at the letter that's in my hand. I just stare at it. Should I open it? Should I let someone else do it? I go into my train of thoughts when I hear a loud banging on the window. I look to who it is, and seen gray at the window. I let him in to see what he has to say.

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