Or would you play it safe and stay?

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G: "fuck"
K: "that was"
G: "something"
K: "that?"
G: "we can get use to"

We both laugh

K: "so I guess the pizzas done"

He smiles

G: "yea I think so"

We both laugh again

K: "so that was nice"
G: "yea"
K: "so you want to watch movies?"
G: "sure"

We get the pizza and sit on the couch

K: "so what movie?"
G: "how about 'Hairspray'?"
K: "sure"

We watch the movie, and I feel gray looking at me again.

K: "what?"

He comes closer and kisses me, and all of my sweet spots.

K: "you should do that more often"

He still kisses my neck.

(Movie finishes)

K: "I'm going to go to the bathroom"
G: "k"

I do my business, and I look in the mirror. Shit. He gave me hickeys. I wash my hands, and go to the kitchen we're he was.

K: "when were you going to tell me that you gave me hickeys?"
G: "I wanted to see how long you would find out"

He chuckles

K: "you're such an ass"
G: "I know"

We both smile

K: "Hey I think I'm going to head out"
G: "oh ok"
K: "bye see you tomorrow"
G: "bye"

I go in my room, go downstairs, and seen that my parents had arrived.

K: "oh hey mom, dad"
Mom: "hey honey, did you eat yet?"
K: "yea at grays"
Mom: "oh ok"
Dad: "I'm going to go to bed"
K: "k"

My dad goes upstairs, and into their room

Mom: "so who gave you those hickeys?"
K: "umm no one, no one at all"
Mom: "im not stupid, I know you had sex at that party"
K: "I can explain"
Mom: "you don't have to explain"
K: "wait really"
Mom: "well I mean are you dating someone?"
K: "no"
Mom: "are you dating gray"
K: "no!, no!, no!, and no!"
Mom: "ok, I was just asking"
K: "we!, no!"
Mom: "then tell me who gave you those hickeys?, or I'm going to think it's gray"
K: "it's umm, it's nick"
Mom: "oh!?"
K: "what?, I told you the truth"
Mom: "that's true"

So I told her a little white lie. So. I'm not going to say "yea me and gray had sex, and then the next day we made a benefit thing, and he just gave me these hickeys" no. First she would of gotten excited, second she would think we were dating, and third that would just be weird.

K: "I'm going to go upstairs and try to sleep"

I say awkwardly

Mom: "ok goodnight honey"
K: "goodnight love you"

I say going up the stairs

Mom: "love you too"

I close the door and go on my phone for a couple of minutes. I try to stay up but I was tired. Even though I took a nap. There's still some room for more beauty sleep.

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