The family

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It was a normal day. Betty, jughead, Archie and Veronica were sat in a booth at pops having dinner after school. Everything was going fine until the bell got the diner went off and a family walked in. Nobody gave them a second glance but Betty couldn't help notice that the family were all blonde, a mom, dad and two daughters. Betty felt the familiar ache in her chest of the family she'd lost. Her dad in prison, her mom and sister in a crazy cult and Betty left all alone without her family. She zoned out of the conversations her boyfriend and best friends were having around her and she was just staring at the family she so longed to have back.

Jughead turned to his girlfriend after noticing she hadn't said anything for a while and he saw the distant look on her face, the tears in her eyes and her hands balled into fists. "Betts?" He said gently and Archie and Veronica noticed Betty's state. Betty didn't respond and they all turned to look at what she was looking at. "Hey... betts?" Jug tried again and she finally snapped out of her trance. "Sorry" she mumbled and stared down at her closed fists. "You don't have to apologise B" Veronica said and tired to hold Betty's hand but Betty pulled back as if she had been burnt and everyone looked at her in shock, which soon turned to worry when they saw some blood dripping from her hands. "I..." Betty started but she didn't get to finish because she broke down into sobs and jughead pulled her into his arms and ran his fingers through her hair trying to calm her down. "Let's get you cleaned up baby" jug Said and helped her out the booth and into the bathrooms, not caring it was the girls bathroom.

"Baby, can I see your hands?" He asked gently after he placed her on the counter. She hesitated before uncurling her hands and jughead winced at the cuts that were staring up at him. He quickly got to work on cleaning them and then placed kisses across the scars. "I'm sorry" Betty whispered and his head snapped up to meet the watery eyes of his girlfriend. "No betts. Never apologise. Not for this, okay? I understand baby" he said and she collapsed into his chest as she cried. "Shh Baby, I've got you, it's all okay" he comforted. They didn't know how long they stayed like that but after a while she calmed down and they went back out to Archie and Veronica. "You Okay Betty?" Archie asked and Betty nodded. "Why don't we all go back to the Pembrooke and have a sleepover?" Veronica suggested, knowing it was probably best if Betty left. "Okay" Betty nodded and they all exited the diner.

Later on they were all in their pyjamas and Betty was cuddled in jugheads arms as they played monopoly. They were all laughing apart from Betty and then she started crying. "Woah hey betts? What's wrong?" Jug said. "I want my family back" she sobbed and everyone's heart broke and she collapsed into herself. "Oh betts.." Jug sighed and pulled her into his lap, her lags wrapping around his waist and he rubbed her back. "I know it's horrible what you're going through and I'm so sorry you have to deal with it all baby but you have us" he said softly. "Yeah B! We're here for you" Veronica said. "You have a family in us betty" Archie added and they all hugged her; letting her know that she was their family and they loved her.

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