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It wasn't a secret, that Betty suffered from ADHD. All her close friends knew, it just wasn't something that she told everybody. Every morning, she would take a small pill, and it would help her focus, and keep her mind clear. However, there was some days where she didn't take it, and she was fidgety, and got distracted quite easily. Today was one of them days, Alice was away on a business trip, so there was no one there to remind Betty to take the small blue pill. So Betty got dressed and ready, and left for school without taking her medication.

She didn't really see her friends until lunchtime, when they were all sat outside on their lunch table. "Hey guys!" She chirped, sitting down. "Hi" everyone said. Their table consisted of Betty, jughead, Veronica, Archie and Kevin. "Hey babe, how was your morning?" Jug turned to her, kissing her softly. "It was good! I turned in my essay that I was up all night finishing, managed to get ahead of some reading and~" Betty ramblings got cut off by Veronica. "Woah B, take a breath" she laughed. "Sorry" Betty blushed and the others laughed. Everyone laughed and they all turned back to their lunch. As they were eating, the others noticed Betty was a bit off, and she was very fidgety. "You okay Betty?" Archie asked. Betty was zoned out, and didn't hear him. "Betty?" Kevin said and Betty's head snapped up to look at him. "Archie asked if you were okay?" He asked, concern in his eyes. "Yes! Yes I'm fine! I'm great!" She grinned, the others not believing her, but deciding to let it go. Jughead just wrapped his arm around her, rubbing his hand up and down her arm for the rest of lunch...

Jughead really noticed something was wrong, when then he walked into the blue and gold office after school, and saw Betty pacing up and down. "Betts?" He said but she didn't acknowledge him. "Babe?" He tried again, when she didn't look at him. He walked over and placed his hands on her shoulders and looked at her in the eye. "What's wrong baby? Talk to me" he said softly, leading her Over to the couch, and Crouching in front of her. "I.. my head is so fuzzy! I can't concentrate!" She groaned, pulling at her hair. She stood up and went back over to her desk, trying to type her article. "Betts. Maybe we should take a break today?" He suggested but Betty frantically shook her head. "No! No no no no!" She said, trying to focus on the laptop in front of her. Jugehad observed her for a moment until she got more and more frantic, banging her fists on the desk and tears were falling down her face. "Baby, Betts. Come here" he said, and pulled her into his arms, rocking her gently to calm her down. "Tell me what's wrong baby" he said, still holding her. "I can't... it's..I can't do anything" she sobbed and jughead was growing more and more concerned, until suddenly it clicked; her mood swings and not being able to focus or sit still, it was her adhd. "Betts, did you take your medication today?" He asked gently and she shook her head. "Okay" he nodded. "How about we go back to yours, you can take it and then we can chill for the rest of the night?" He suggested and she nodded.

After walking back to Betty's, jughead lead her upstairs to her bathroom where he knew she kept her medication, and sat her on the counter top as he handed her the pill and a glass of water. He watched as she took it, and sipped some water. "I'm sorry" she sniffed. "For what baby?" He asked, wiping her tears. "I'm sorry you have to deal with me..." she whispered, looking down at her lap and playing with her fingers. "Hey no..." jug said, lifting her chin so that she was looking at him. "You're not burdening me, okay?" He started. "You can help this betts, and the least I can do is make sure you're okay and you're safe" he said, pulling her into his chest and kissing her head. "I love you" she mumbled into his chest. "I love you too" he smiled. "Now, how about we get you in the bath, and relax?" He said and she nodded. Jug smiled and kissed her again before moving away from her and Starting the bath.

An hour later, found Betty and jughead wrapped up in each other's arms, cuddling in bed. "Feel better?" Jughead asked, running his fingers through her soft blonde hair. "Much better" she nodded. "Thank you" she added. "It was nothing" he shrugged. Betty rolled over so she was laying on top of him now, her chin resting on his chest and looking up at him. "It was not nothing..." she said. "You didn't have to do this for me, but you did because you're the most amazing boyfriend I could ask for, I'm so lucky to have you" she smiled. "Betts..." jug said, cupping her cheek. "I did all this because I love you" he said. "And I'm lucky to have you... I love you so much" he told her. "I love you too, always" she said and leant Forward to Connect their lips, trying to show him just how thankful she was...

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