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Betty always got bad cramps when she was on her period. They were so bad that sometimes all she wanted to do was sleep all day. Before her mom moved to the farm, and still lived in the house; she wasn't sympathetic and would just tell Betty to suck it up. Now Betty lives with FP and jughead in her old house and it's been amazing and Betty has felt so safe since she's moved in.

Betty woke up on a Monday morning and she instantly felt the right cramping in her stomach and she groaned. She sat up and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw she hadn't leaked on the bed. She quietly made her way into the bathroom, not to wake up jughead and she sorted herself out and showered before going downstairs to put her pyjamas in the machine. Afterwards she sat at the counter with her head in her hands, trying to wish the pain away. She didn't realise that jughead had woken up and had come downstairs until he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Betts?" He said and she turned around to face him. "Are you Okay?" He asked, moving her hair behind her ear. Betty was quiet for a moment before she was honest with him. "I started my period" she mumbled and dropped her head to his chest and smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her and rub her back. "I'm sorry baby, is there anything I can do?" Jughead asked. "No I'll be fine" she mumbled into his chest and then whined in pain. "Yeah I don't believe you" Jug said and kissed her head before moving to the cupboards and searching for them. "What are you doing?" Betty asked before dropping her head to the counter. "Here take this betts" Jug said softly, handing her some medicine and a glass of water. "Thank you" she said and he squeezed her shoulder. "Okay, I'm going to do and get showered. Will you be okay?" He asked and she nodded.

When jughead came out of the shower he saw Betty placing all her books in her backpack. He could see the tension in her body and felt awful that she was in pain. He got dressed and then wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her. "Are you sure you'll be okay in school today?" He asked and she nodded. "Yeah" she said. "Okay, let's get some breakfast" he said and laced their fingers together and lead them downstairs where FP was making breakfast. "Morning kids!" He smiled when he saw them come down. "Good morning" jug said. "Morning" Betty said and FP picked up on Betty's non chipper mood. "Are you Okay Betty?" FP asked as he watched jughead help her onto a stool and rubbed her back. "She just feels a little sick" jughead offered for her, not wanting her to feel embarrassed. "Oh no, I hope you feel better soon" FP said and Betty smiled. "Do you want eggs?" FP asked. "I think I'll just have some toast please" Betty said and made a move to get up and start it but jughead stopped her with a hand on her arm. "I'll do it betts" he said.

Betty's cramps were only getting worse throughout the day. During the School day, she felt nauseous and had a headache. Unfortunately for Betty, the first half of the day, she had no lessons with jughead and she had a student council meeting during lunch. After lunch however, she had English, where she sat next to Jug. He was already sat down when she entered the classroom and he smiled when he saw her. "Hey baby" he said softly when she sat down, her head instantly leaning on his shoulder. "Hey" she said. Half way through the lesson, Betty was really starting to feel bad. "Juggie?" She mumbled and when jughead turned to look at her his smile dropped and turned to concern when he saw tears in her eyes. "I don't feel good..." she sniffed. "Okay, Okay. It will be fine, wait here" he said, snapping into protective mode. He stood up and went to talk to the teacher before coming back to Betty and packing their stuff. "Let's go betts" he said and kept an arm around her as he lead her out of the classroom. "Are you going home?" Betty asked. "Yeah baby, We're going home" he said.

When they got back home, Jughead ran a bath for Betty and while she was in there, he ran and got them pops takeout and Betty's favourite snacks. By the time he got back, Betty was in bed, in her pyjama shorts and his T-shirt. "Hey you" he smiled. "I brought you some stuff to Cheer you up!" He beamed and held up all the food. "Juggie!" She grinned. "I love you" she sighed happily when he handed her the bag and sat next to her. "I love you too" he said and kissed her softly. After eating, jughead put on a movie and laid them down, Betty cuddling him, in between his legs. After a while Betty started to wriggle and groan. "Are you okay?" He asked and Betty shook her head. "It hurts!" She cried and finally let her tears fall that she'd been holding in all day. "Oh honey..." jug said and held her tighter. "Shall i get you a heating pad?" He asked and she nodded. "Okay, I'll be back in a second" he said and kissed her softly before going to grab the heating pad. When he came back he saw Betty was almost asleep and he smiled to himself. He carefully put the hearing pad on her, not wanting to disturb her and the he got into bed next to her and hugged her close. "Thank you. I love you" she said, half asleep. "I love you too, sleep dreams baby" he said and kissed her shoulder before falling asleep.

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