Chapter 15

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Lauren's pov. 

It's been a week since I've last seen Camila. We were both busy and just couldn't find time to see each other. We still kept in touch. We were texting and talking everyday but I have to admit that I miss her. 

It's Friday night or should I say our date night. I have few things planned and I hope Camila will like it. I'm picking her up at 7 and since it's only 5 o'clock now I still have few hours to get ready. Since Camila said that she doesn't want anything too fancy I told her to dress casual. 

I decided to wear what I like the most which means all black attire. Black ripped skinny jeans, black v-neck t-shirt and my leather jacket. I picked my favorite Doc Martens to go with that. I know Camila likes the way I dress but I put some extra make up for her as well and left my hair in waves. I looked in the mirror and damn. I would date me. 

After taking my bag and keys I went to the car and started driving to Camila's place. She texted me her address before and I realized it's gonna be the first time I'll be in her house. 10 minutes later I arrived to my destination and in front of me stood gorgeous house, definitely in Camila's style. It wasn't modern but you could say it has a soul. 

I left my car, and went to knock on her doors. After few seconds I could hear the lock turning and that revealed Camila. She was smiling brightly and after a moment a noticed what she's wearing. White blouse that was slightly falling off her shoulders, black jeans that were hugging her curves and black pumps to go with that. Soft make up on her face and her brown,long locks in delicate waves. She couldn't be more beautiful. After my eyes land on her face again I could see small blush on her face. She definitely was checking me out too. I smirked to myself. 

''You look amazing." I said when I finally found my voice. 

''Not too bad yourself, Jauregui.'' She said looking me up and down.

''Shall we?'' I asked extracting my hand to her.

She nodded her head and laced out fingers together. We made our way to my car and I opened passenger doors for her. I gave her one more smile and jogged to my side. 

''So where are we going?'' 

''It's a surprise, but I promise you'll like it." I said interlacing our hand again, this time on her lap. I was softly stoking her hand with my thumb and she smiled at me. 

''You used to do that all the time back when we were in x-factor.'' She said gently, and my heart flattered that she remembers those little things as well. I quickly brought our joined hands to my face and kissed the back of her palm. 

''Are you hungry?''

''Why are you even asking, I'm always hungry." She chuckled. 

''Perfect, cause we're here.'' 

We arrived to my favorite Cuban restaurant. Not many people know about it cause it's like 15 minutes away from the city. We walked in and our waiter lead us to the table. I reserved our table outside, cause the view here is amazing. It's a small and peaceful street so I'm sure no one will disturb us. 

''It's amazing Lo." Camila said after we sat down. 

"Wait till you'll taste the food. I've been here few times before so I know what I'm getting. I actually found it one day by accident. It reminded me so much of home, so I'm coming here every now and then." 

Our waiter came over to take our drinks order and we both decided on water. I couldn't help but think that his eyes lingered a little bit too long on Camila, but I decided to let it go.

''Are you ladies ready to order?'' He asked when he got back with our drinks with huge smile on his face. Even though he wasn't my type I admit that he's handsome. His short brown hair and dimples on his cheeks were kinda cute. 

''I'm gonna go for Croquetas, thanks." I said looking up at him but he was already eyeing Camila. 

''And for you, beautiful?'' He asked her and I raised my eyebrows. Camila didn't notice cause her eyes were still fixed on the menu. 

''Arroz con pollo for me, please.'' She answered politely and gave him tight lipped smile. 

''Perfect. I'll be back with your orders shortly.'' He smiled winking at Camila and left our table. 

I looked down, feeling slightly insecure for a second but then I remembered that Camila is my date. No one else's. So I looked her in the eyes and smiled, not surprised that she was already looking at me. 

''Everything ok?'' She asked me, probably not noticing our waiter's antics at all. 

I gave her huge smile and gently grabbed her hand that was on the table. ''Everything's perfect.'' 

While we waited Camila told me about her past week. She said that she was working on new songs and some new collab but she didn't give me any details cause it's not confirmed yet. We both admitted that we missed each other so much but with both of our busy schedules we knew it's not gonna be easy. While we were lost in conversation our waiter came back with the orders which caused us to let go of our laced hands. 

He put my dish in front of me and I thanked him quietly but few second later I heard him addressing Camila.

''And Arroz con pollo for yourself, gorgeous. That's actually one of my favorites here, so I hope you'll like it as much as I do." He said grinning at her. When Camila only nodded her head in thanks, he asked. '' Can I get you anything else?'' 

''I'm fine." I said in soft tone but I was narrowing my eyes at him. ''Are you okay for everything else, babe?'' I said turning to Camila, my gaze immediately softened when I looked at her. 

''I'm all good, thanks baby.'' She smiled at me, slightly blushing at the nickname. 

I looked at our waiter and and he gave me an awkward smile and slight nod. Then left our table in rush. 

I looked at Camila just to find her already smirking at me and after few seconds we both burst out laughing. 

I can't wait for the rest of our night. 

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