Chapter 29

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Lauren's pov.

"Come on Laur, no need to by shy around me." She said smirking and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

She was even more skinny and toned than I remember. Her long brown hair were still as flawless as they used to be. She was smiling at me lazily and by the look on her face I could say she's intoxicated. She moved her hand that was on my arm a bit lower and tried to intertwined our fingers together. But I could feel my skin burning under her touch so I swiftly pulled away.

I finally noticed that she was wearing short, red dress that was hugging her body perfectly. Her long legs on display. She was never ashamed of her body and she taught me how to accept myself. She was there in my lowest, she was there when I needed her the most. And I'll always be grateful for that. I thought she was my person. Her and I forever. But I couldn't be hers in the way she wanted me to be.

"Long time no see, Luce. What are you doing here?" I finally replied smugly after few minutes of silence.

"We had a fashion show tonight in Chicago, and now we're starting the afterparty. There is few more models here as well, you can join if you want, I'm sure you'll find someone to entertain you tonight." She said waving at few girls that were already looking in our direction with flirty smiles.

"I don't need any entertainment." I said rolling my eyes. "I'm performing tomorrow, I should get back to the hotel anyway."

"Awe don't be like that Laur, we used to have great fun together." She said moving closer to me. "Where's the Lauren that I know? She used to not give a shit about that, she was living her best life without a care in the world."

She was right about that. When we decided we'll give us a try I was emotionless. All I cared about were parties and drinking. I started smoking more, I tried some drugs. I pushed the girls away, I pushed my family away. Lucy was my rock. I felt that she's the only one I can trust. I believed she's the one who wouldn't break me. And she didn't. I was the one that broke her.

For me it was a getaway from everything. I was living my life day by day. She was encouraging me to speak for myself, she taught me how to say no. There was no arguments with me.  I was always the one who had to have the last word. I thought I rule the world.

But when Lucy told me one night that she loves me I saw in her eyes that it wasn't the same kind of love that I had for her. She wanted more and I couldn't give her that. She created a different version of myself. And it took me almost 2 years to go back to the Lauren I wanted to be. She destroyed me, and I destroyed her.

"I've changed, Lucy. Don't try to bring me down again." I said sternly.

"Don't act like it was only my fault. You loved that lifestyle. Why not get lost in it again, just for tonight?" she said smirking, she looked at me with those eyes, that 2 years ago I couldn't resist.

"Stop. I'm not gonna ruin my life again, I worked so hard to be who I'm today, Luce."

"Bullshit. You're miserable. You don't know what to do anymore. You're taking one step forward and two steps back. You can't even finish this God damn album." She said scoffing.

"You don't know shit about me Lucy. First time in my life I'm genuinely happy. So don't fucking try to ruin it cause it's not gonna work." I said in surprisingly calm tone.

She was looking at me now, strictly in my eyes. And for a second I held my breath. But somehow I knew that look. I was ready to turn around and leave but I felt two hands around my neck and cold lips on mine. They were urgent and rough. I could taste tequila on them. I still didn't move, my limbs were frozen. But when I felt strong tongue trying to push past my lips I pushed her away.

"What the fuck Lucy!" I screamed. "What is wrong with you? Who the fuck are you?" I said in trembling voice.

Her face expression changed in seconds. At first she was surprised that she did that, after I screamed at her she looked like she's hurt. But then something switched in her brain and she started smiling. And that was the evil kind of smile. When I stood there frozen she just winked at me and walked away.

I turned around but no one seemed to care what just happened. I quickly left the bar and called a cab. On my way to the hotel my thoughts were all over the place. I was mad at her that she did that but that wasn't her. That wasn't the Lucy I know. I rescued myself but I feel like she'll need help this time.

I entered my hotel room and did my evening routine. I put on the clothes that Camila left in my bag and laid down. I really wanted to sleep but my brain wouldn't stop talking to itself. My thoughts came back to Camila again. I really should tell her now but she doesn't deserve a phone call at 4am. She deserves an explanation, face to face. I breathed in her scent and slowly calmed down my racing heart.

I just hope she'll understand.

AN. Just quick filler chapter 🙄

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