Chapter 21

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Lauren's pov. 

I could hear that annoying sound but I didn't have energy to actually open my eyes and turn it off. After few seconds it stopped and I sighed in relief. I pulled Camila closer to me and started to drift off. It didn't last long when I heard my alarm once again. When I finally found my phone and turned it off I saw a pair of brown, sleepy eyes  looking up at me already and I smiled softly.

"Good morning." She said in her raspy, morning voice which I always thought was really sexy.

"Hey." I smiled and let her cuddle up to me again. She was never a morning person. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I forgot I have a meeting with Tara today." I sighed in frustration.

"It's okay. What is that sigh about? Are you in trouble?" She chuckled.

"I hope not. We were going to talk about my album release and promotion. I have to pick another single."

"Do you have something in mind?"

"Yeah, I actually have one song that is really important to me. I feel like it's gonna be good to start a new chapter of my life you know."

She moved a bit and looked up at me. I felt like I was getting lost in her chocolate eyes. They were so warm and I could see how genuinely happy she is. You could smile all day but the real happiness is always in your eyes.

"I don't think I've said that but I just want you to know that I'm really proud of you, Lo. I'm honestly so happy for you. I know it was a bumpy road but you've made it. I can't wait to hear it and I'm sure it's gonna be amazing." She said with soft smile and  I was falling for her more everyday. Who gave her the right to be that cute in the morning?

"Thanks, Camz. You have no idea how much that means to me. And I'm proud of you too, baby. You're one of the biggest names out there and it's only the beginning." I kissed her cheek as gently as I could to show her my affection.

I know I have feelings for Camila. I knew that from the start. They get stronger and stronger everyday. I pulled away slowly and she was blushing so hard that I couldn't help but smile.

"I love it when you call me baby." She said quietly, looking down.

"When I'm lighting up your phone?" This words left my mouth before I could stop them and we both burst out laughing.

We stayed in bed for a little while just enjoying our time together. I always felt like I'm affectionate but with Camila everything is different. She's on another level. She's usually the one that ask me to cuddle few more minutes and she's always the one to reach for my hand or just touch me in any way. It could be our knees or shoulders touching but we always want to be as close to each other as we possibly can.

We were sitting in the kitchen eating cereals cause that's what Camila wanted to have for breakfast. I'm not really a fan I'd rather start my day with eggs and bacon but I guess I can make an exception today.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" I heard her asking with mouth full of food and I smiled. She's so cute.

"I just wanted to go to the gym in the morning but after that I'm free."

"Okay, perfect. I was actually thinking that I'll take you out on a date. I'll plan something nice for us. Only if you, you know, want to." She said shyly.

"Of course I want to, Camz." I kissed her cheek softly.

"Good. That's um good. It will be hard to beat your ideas though. The date you planned was perfect."

"It was far from perfect. But honestly we can just go to the park and I'd be happy about it. I doesn't matter where I matters with who." I said winking at her and she smiled widely. Note to myself. I have to do it more often.

We finished our breakfast and I started driving Camila back to her place cause I was meeting Tara soon.

I parked my car and turned to her. She was already looking at me and I grabbed her hand softly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Camz. Can't wait for our date."

"Me too. I'll miss you though." She started pouting.

I moved closer to her and put one of my hands on her cheek caressing her skin softly. She bit her lip and I couldn't help myself. I pressed our lips together and kissed her softly. When our lips started moving I moved my hand to the back of her neck and she did the same leaning over the console. Our soft kisses began to get more passionate. After few minutes I heard my phone buzzing and I didn't even have to check cause I knew it's probably Tara. We both pulled away breathing heavily.

"I'll miss you too, baby." I whispered pecking her lips one last time. She gave me a huge smile and I winked at her once more.

When she left my car I started driving to Tara's office. I arrived few minutes later and I immediately saw that's she's pissed. I definitely wasn't prepared for what was waiting for me there.

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